Comfort - Scott McCall

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You awake?
You had replied with a yes even though that wasn't the truth. It was nearing three in the morning, you had been fast asleep cuddled up underneath your blankets with your face buried into your pillow. The sounds of the wind outside had relaxed you. But the vibration of an incoming text had woken you from your slumber.

It had been Scott. Of course you had replied before you could barely even understand the words he had sent, you were still half asleep, your eyes drooping and your hair a mess atop your head.

He was someone who was important to you, a friend who had helped you when you needed it most the first time you turned into a werewolf. He was a small crush that was beginning to develop, one that you buried deep down. He was someone who had been there, right by your side even though you tried to claw his eyes out and threatened to eat his lung on your very first full moon. Yes, you had threatened that and at the time, you were serious about it.

Since that day, you had also been there for him. No matter the situation or time, you were always right there.

Can I come over?
You had raised an eyebrow, suddenly awake. If he wanted to come over, that must have meant something was wrong. But even though the weight of worry fell upon your shoulders, your heart had also skipped a beat.

I just need someone right now.
Out of anyone he could have texted, he had chose you. That made your heart melt.

You were quiet for a moment, your thumbs hovering over the letters on your phone as you read the last text he had sent once again. It was about Allison. You knew that immediately. You had not known Allison as well as you would have liked; she had been kind to you when you joined the pack. She had always made sure your voice was heard and that you were apart of something, she made sure you were never left out. But the two of you hadn't spoke much, just here and there.

Though you two had not been close, her death had been a shock to you. It had hurt your heart in a way you could not describe. But it was Scott who had been heartbroken the most, he had held her in his arms and watched her take her last breath. He had been the one who had held her as she died, you could never imagine that kind of pain.

In the past week, the grief was becoming a lot for him to handle. For some reason, he always turned to you out of everyone else in the pack. You were his shoulder to cry on but that of course didn't bother you. You were just glad you could be of some comfort to him.

Come over.
Was your reply even though a wave of nerves coursed through you. You set your phone down and sat up, trying to tame the unruliness of your hair as you began to prep what you would say over and over again inside your head.

Comforting people was not exactly your strong suit, you always felt awkward when someone would cry in front of you, always unsure of what the right thing was to say or do. You tried your best though, that was what counted. But even despite the awkward nature of your comforting methods, Scott always came to you. That must mean you were doing something right.

There was a light tap at your window a short time later, it had startled you for a moment as you gazed towards it to find Scott kneeling on the roof right outside. You didn't waste any time in hopping out of your bed, switching on the lamp at your desk, and hoisting the window open. The cool breeze blew against your face, causing a chill to run up your spine.

"Hey," Scott greeted, carefully sliding inside your room. "I'm sorry about texting you so late. I just, uh, I couldn't sleep."

You were quick to turn towards him, a small smile pulling at your lips. "It's okay, I was awake." You told him. As your eyes gazed up at his face, you had let out a soft gasp. There was a small cut across his forehead and blood stained around the recent wound. "Are you okay?"

Scott had raised his hand, lightly touching the cut with the tips of his fingers. It seemed that he didn't realize he had been hurt. "I'm fine, trust me, it's nothing you need to worry about. Just a small cut." He said, forcing a quiet laugh as he walked towards your bed and took a seat.

As you looked at him, you could see the bags underneath his eyes. He looked exhausted like he hadn't slept in days which you were sure he hadn't. You were sure the thoughts of Allison kept him up at night, that was obviously why he was here.

"For a werewolf, you're certainly clumsy," You had said, hoping to ease the tension with a light joke. He had laughed but it was soft and forced once more. "Scott, are you okay? And I'm not referring to the cut on your head. You look...drained."

You walked towards him, sitting down beside him and staring at him with a worried look glistening in your eyes. You were scared for him, scared that this grief and sadness would control him and pull him into a dark pit that would be impossible to escape.

Scott stared down at his feet, sniffling and wiping his cheek with the back of his hand. He was crying or at least, he was trying not to. You wanted to reach out and grab his hand, to comfort him with a soothing touch, but you thought better of it.

"I don't think I'm okay," Scott whispered, shaking his head and drawing in a deep but shaky breath. "I keep thinking about her, about Allison. I keep thinking of everything I could have done to stop it. I could have prevented it."

"Scott, you're torturing yourself by doing that." You murmured, a frown painting itself across your face. "I don't know what it's like to lose someone like that, I don't want to imagine it but I do know that Allison wouldn't want you to think that way or to blame yourself."

Scott glanced at you, your eyes locking. There were tears welling up in his eyes but he blinked them away. Crying in front of you was something he didn't want. He was trying so hard to fight it.

"I do blame myself. I-I was supposed to protect her," Scott whispered, his voice becoming strangled as a sob crept up his throat. But he did not dare let it out. "I couldn't protect her, that's on me."

You couldn't stop yourself, you finally placed your hand on top of his. He didn't move away but he had glanced down for a moment, looking at your soft hand against his. He almost seemed surprised that you had done that. You were even surprised with yourself but right now he needed it.

"Scott, you did your best. Things happen, terrible and nightmarish things happen, we can't control it. The only thing that we can control is what we do afterwards," You whispered, giving his hand a gentle squeeze as you looked into his eyes, watching a tear slip down his cheek. "How we move on and how we heal. Even though you may not think so right now, you will heal from this. You just need time."

There was another tear, he wasn't even trying to stop them anymore. He was struck with a sadness that could not be described in words. His heart hurt, ached for the loss of his first love. But knowing he had someone like you, it brought him comfort. It brought him warmth.

"What if I don't heal from this?" He whispered, his voice cracked.

"You will, you're a lot stronger than you think, Scott. Look at all the things you've been through and every situation you've endured, you've conquered. This is something you will conquer too." You assured, "You have your pack to help you. You have me too. As you heal, I will be your comfort."

Teen Wolf OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora