I love you - Scott McCall

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You knew Beacon Hills was a no good town, sure it had all your friends in it and all your childhood memories and all your firsts but there was always an unease that this town gave you, it was toxic and addictive and you had to leave. Your friends needed to leave but most importantly Scott your boyfriend needed to leave.

You shake your head when Scott opens the door to his house, you follow him close behind. "Scott you need to leave this town, start on with building your future. This place it's holding onto you and you ne-"

Your lips were on his, he had pulled you into a kiss, your hands were on his neck as you kissed him back.

"I love you, baby there's one last thing I need to do before I leave"

"There will always be one more thing, I swear to god.. you and Lydia don't understand the term "to move on". She should be registering in MIT right now but what is she doing? chasing a web" You say angrily ad flop down onto Scotts couch.

"Baby, I completely understand what you mean but I-"

"No fucking buts Scott, baby you have to get out of here, go to UC Davis and study what you love and do what you love, yet you're still fucking stuck in this god forsaken town with a spider issue...nothing Liam can't handle!" You say.

"I think it's more than a spider issue"

You look at Scott and sigh, this man deserved the world. He didn't deserve to go through pain or sadness. For once in his goddamn life could he think about himself? Not the pack, his mom, the people, the town, or you... he needs to think about himself and his future.

"Babe, I'm supposed to leave to UCLA tomorrow and I won't leave Beacon Hills without you" You tell him and he looks at you with a pained expression.

"Well you'll have to leave because I'll be here a while" he says and opens a beer and sits next to you on the couch.

As soon as those words left his lips you looked as if you were going to slap him, and you were.

"Did I just here correct?" You squint an eye at him.

"You've got good ears" He says back.

"I don't want to lecture you-"

"Well thats what you're doing" Scott says angrily.

The conversation between you and Scott was beginning to get heated and you didn't like it one bit.

"Is it bad I want you to have a future? Is it bad I need you to live a little and not feel dragged down by this fucking town, babe Stiles has moved on.... Lydia and  Malia are ready to... let this go please" You beg him.

"I am not leaving, there's something coming... if you can get that in that enormous head of yours then that'll be great" Scott yelled.

"Watch you're fuckin tone" You growl at him and he huffs and turns the TV on. Scott was becoming so rude about this subject. He needs to understand I want the best for him, nothing else. This man was your entire world and to see your entire world to be sad and hurt was not fun.

"I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to" He sighs and looks at you.

"I'm going to say this one time and one time only" You say and grab the TV remote and turn it off, remove the beer from his hand, take a sip and put it on the coffee table.

"I think you are the best thing that could ever happen to me, to this town, to your mom, to your friends. I don't know what I'd do without you. You are my life... I cannot imagine a life without you. Ever since the sandbox days I've known that you're a selfless man... who wants to give back an who knows right from wrong and you ask nothing in return. I know how much this town means for you so, I'll let this last thing go-"

"Can I say something" He interrupts.

"NO. I'm going to stay and help you with this and I'm going to personally see to it you reach and attend your first few classes at UC Davis, then I'll go register myself at UCLA. I want my man to get what he deserves and what he has been working so fucking hard for. I want you to finally get something and build your so so so bright future, that I'd love to be apart of. I want you to be happy and not need to worry about this place or your friends or me. I love you" You exclaim.

"Can I talk now?"

"YES" You yell and frown at him.

"I love you" He says and pulls you into a kiss, he had found his everything. The only person who wanted him to be selfish. The person who he wanted to be his wife. But for now the person who would help solve his final mystery in Beacon Hills

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