Cold Shoulder - Stiles Stillinski

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It was just another morning in Beacon Hills. You were driving to school like you always did, when you saw a familiar figure with a head of brown hair hurrying along the sidewalk.

Smiling, you pulled over and rolled down your window, calling Liam's name. His head whipped in your direction, recognition dawning in his blue eyes when he saw that it was you trying to get his attention.

"Need a ride?" You offered, tilting your head at him. Liam hesitated, opening his mouth like he wanted to say something, but then closed it, nodding and hopping into the passenger seat. You made sure he was buckled before pulling back out onto the road.

"Thanks." He said quietly, shifting his backpack on the floor between his feet.

"No problem." You replied. "So, what'd you do last night?"

"What? Nothing." Liam blurted. "I didn't do anything last night. Just homework. Really boring, actually."

If there was one thing you knew about Liam, it was that he was a god awful liar.

"Yeah? What class?" You played along, despite your growing suspicions.


"Liam, you didn't have any history homework last night. Mr. Yukimura was out sick, all of his classes had a sub."


"What did you really do last night?" You sighed, glancing over at him with a pointed look.

"I don't think I'm supposed to say." He muttered, hunkering down in his seat.

"You don't think? Who told you to say that?" You asked incredulously as you pulled up to a red light, which gave you the opportunity to aim a glare over at the younger boy. He shifted uncomfortably under your pointed look. "Liam, I swear to god—"

"I went with Stiles to spy on Theo, okay?" He blurted. "He's gonna be so mad at me, I wasn't supposed to tell you that."

Liam was with Stiles last night? That couldn't be right. "No, Stiles told me he was having a movie night with his dad last night."

"Well, he wasn't. He dragged me out to the preserve for the whole night, and Theo didn't even freaking do anything. I didn't get home till after midnight, my stepdad was pissed."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. He grounded me for two weeks!"

"No, I meant you're sure Stiles was with you?"

"Again, yeah, I'm sure."

You pressed your lips into a thin line, because if Stiles had been with Liam last night, that meant he'd lied to you about missing movie night. And if he'd lied to you so effortlessly this time, what else had he lied to you about throughout your relationship?

"Uh, Y/N?" Liam's hesitant voice drew you out of your thoughts. "The light's green."

Your eyes refocused on the road ahead to see that the light was in fact green, foot pressing down on the gas as you finished out your drive to school with Liam in awkward silence. As soon as you shifted into park, he was scrambling out of the car with a mumbled 'thanks for the ride' before hurrying off, presumably to get away from you as quickly as he could.

You on the other hand, remained frozen in the driver's seat, mind running through every possible reason you could think of for why Stiles had lied to you. Stiles never lied to you. Your honesty with each other was one of your favorite things about your relationship with him—the fact that no matter what, you'd always tell each other the truth.

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