Nerves - Malia Tate

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Shivering, you wrapped your arms tighter around yourself as the crisp, late-night air brushed over your skin, goosebumps appearing as you groaned in annoyance. "Is this necessary?" Your teeth chattered together as you let out a huff of air aggressively so you'd see your breath in the bitter air just to prove a point to the true alpha that was stood next to you, completely unfazed by the harsh wind.
"Stiles has a theory," Scott shrugged, looking over at you with a small, innocent smile.
"Stiles always has a theory!" Letting out an overly dramatic groan, you turned to face the wrecked car in which two of your best friends were pointlessly sitting inside of. Stiles, who had seemingly heard your statement, whipped his head around to look at you, doing his famous eye twitch to show his irritancy. "And when am I ever wrong, (Y/N)?!"
"Most of the time," You sang, a playful grin on your face as you looked back over your shoulder to Scott who was chuckling under his breath at yours and Stiles' childish banter. He was just glad that his pack was back to normal and their usual bubbly selves after Theo and the Dread Doctors nearly ruined everything.
"I heard that!" He let out an irked yelp from the car and a soft laugh escaped past your chattering teeth at the sound as you made your way closer to the destroyed chunk of metal.
"Hmm," Lydia hummed from the front seat, looking around warily, her hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel. Stiles shot up once more from his position in the back seat and looked towards the strawberry blonde with wide eyes.
"What? What is it?!" The sudden eagerness in his voice was apparent as he leaned forward from his spot.
Her right hand left the steering wheel as she shrugged, her middle finger then delicately touching the crease of her eye. "This is a perfect shade for me. I forget the name," Her shining eyes were on her reflection in the small, compartment mirror, the light smile on her face showcasing that she was definitely proud of her eye look that day.
"Oo, let me see," You faintly touched Lydia's jaw through the open window and she turned to face you, a small smile of appreciation still written on her lips as you eyed her makeup, impressed. You nodded at her in agreement; your eyebrows raised slightly, "Oh, that is nice. Where'd you get that?"
"Macy's," She grinned, but it slowly dropped when Stiles let out an obvious, exasperated sound, his eyes squinting down at the two of you.
"Can we stay on topic here?" He ran a hand through his dark hair, sitting up straighter in the car seat.
"I'm not getting anything," Lydia stated briskly, getting out the car with pursed lips, a roll of her eyes and the need to loudly slam the car door shut to show her annoyance towards Stiles.
"She's not getting anything," You repeated for emphasis and shot a look at your sarcastic friend who was sure that this would be a supernatural mystery and dragged you out of your warm and cosy bed at 11 o'clock at night, for the 5th time that week, yelling excitedly in your ear about how 'they still need us!'
Then, the chilling sound of a coyote howl filled your ears and echoed around the small clearing; you smiled to yourself slightly at the signal. You watched her jump over a wrecked car, landing softly on her paws with a gentle bark and shining blue eyes. You grabbed the pile of clothes out of Lydia's car in preparation for the werecoyote and when you turned back, she was now crouched in her naked human form, her bare back to you before she stood upright confidently and faced you, her vibrant, glowing eyes fading out until the soft brown was restored.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you made sure that your eyes stayed grounded and connected to hers instead of instinctively travelling south, a small smirk played on her lips when she secretly tuned into the sound of your racing heartbeat.
"M-Malia, hi. Uh, here you go," You stuttered out, your previous sarcastic and witty mood immediately tumbling down the drain as your cheeks rushed with red and your heart rate increased even more; by this point, you were sure that she'd be able to hear the rapid thumping whether she had super hearing or not.
"I don't think they're dead," Lydia spoke simply as Malia made her way up to you and took the clothes from you with delicate fingers, bending down a little to your height and mumbling a quiet and breathy 'thanks' in your ear. Your mouth fell slightly agape at the proximity of the two of you and your eyes widened considerably when she moved back and gave you a playful grin.
"They're dead. Probably torn apart," Malia shrugged, looking towards Lydia and carrying on with the conversation as if she hadn't just teased the hell out of you. She pulled her top over her body and you gulped noticeably, tearing your (y/e/c) eyes away from the tall girl. "The only thing I don't get is why there's no blood."
"They're not dead. If they were dead, I'd be able to sense it." Lydia argued, her eyebrow raising with reason. You, personally, just wanted to go home and sleep in your soft bed. It was times like this when you wished you had an internal fur coat like half of your pack. It was times like this when being human sucked.
"If they were alive, I'd smell it," Malia pointed out, shuffling closer to you as she saw you shiver bitterly out of the corner of her eye; her warm hand brushed against yours intentionally and she immediately noticed how you froze on the spot because of the action. The werecoyote smiled giddily to herself. All of the reactions you were giving were clear, flashing signs in Malia's head.
"Yeah, I'm not getting anything either," Scott mentioned, knocking you out of your momentary trance as he turned back to face the pack after studying the car that the innocent boy's parents had supposedly disappeared from.
"Scott!" Stiles' tone was clipped and snappy as his eyes narrowed down at his best friend; he was obviously annoyed that no one was particularly trying to put input into the situation. Scott and Stiles then began to argue childishly, Lydia putting her thoughts into the conversation with a sass-ridden tone and a roll of her piercing green eyes.
You sighed heavily, deciding not to get involved as you thought about devising a quick plan on how to get out of there without being noticed, but, when you felt Malia's slender fingers intertwine with yours, you were snapped out of your daze once again and your eyes darted down toward where both of your hands lightly swung in the soft breeze.
You didn't know how to react. Normally, you were pretty smooth and complacent when it came to talking to the person whom you liked but when it came to Malia Tate, it was no lie that the outgoing, confident and gorgeous girl to your right made your heart beat irrationally, your hands involuntarily shake and the words get caught in your throat.
"Do I make you nervous?" You heard Malia's soft voice ring in your ears as her lips hovered just over your own. Your breath hitched instantaneously and you froze on your spot as you felt her minty breath ghost over your smooth lips, your eyes wide and full of surprise as they stared into her deep brown ones.
"Well?" Malia urged you to answer her previous question and that's when you'd finally realised that you hadn't given her an answer. As if her whispered words and proximity to you weren't enough to make you weak at the knees, the smirk on her lips that were less than an inch away from yours had you going slightly dizzy. 
"What? N-no. I mean, uh, no. I-I don't think so," You embarrassingly stumbled over your words, your cheeks blazing a deep red as she gave you a wholehearted laugh, an amused smile written on her features at your messy answer.
"Liar," She breathed out, her fingers coming up to delicately run along your sharp jaw before tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
Then, before you could even comprehend what was happening, her feverish lips were on yours in seconds. You let out an almost inaudible gasp of surprise, your eyes wide at the unexpected action. But, when you felt Malia's hand lightly grasp at your waist, reeling you in and pulling your body closer to hers, you finally relaxed into the kiss, your nerves dissipating immediately.
Your eyes fluttered shut and you let your soft lips move in sync with hers, your hands coming up and weaving through her dark hair as you felt her smile into the blissful kiss. Your skin felt like it was on fire, the feeling of euphoria that you felt for this girl running through your veins as your heart thumped rapidly in your chest, more than usual when in the presence of Malia.
"Woah, when did this happen?" Stiles' voice had never been as irritating in all the years that you'd been best friends with the boy as it was at that moment in time. Your lips disconnected with hers just as quick as they had connected at the sound of Stiles' interest in your kiss and you both turned to look at your three friends, two of whom had knowing smiles on their faces, along with Stiles, who seemed he had been totally oblivious to the fact that you and Malia had a thing but was accepting of the two of you nevertheless.
You felt your cheeks heating up at the spotlight placed on you, a bashful smile gracing your plump lips as you let out a chuckle. Malia, on the other hand, was completely confident and proud of herself that she had kissed the girl she liked as she didn't hesitate to softly peck you on the lips once more. Although, you weren't complaining.

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