Pieces - Scott McCall

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The hushed whispers of familiar voices and consistent giggles coming from under the bleachers in which you were perched on caught your attention over the distant noise of lacrosse sticks colliding. You ignored it at first, the people trying to contain their mischievous giggles down there being of no interest to you. But, when you heard your name being mentioned quietly a couple of seconds after, your interests instantly perked up and you focused in on their words.
"What about (Y/N)?" It was a girl.
"What about (Y/N)?" And a boy. He repeated the question as if the answer was easy, a slight undertone of mock in his voice. "She won't care. And if you're really worrying that much, remember, she won't ever find out. She hasn't suspected anything yet so I'd say that we're still safe. This is between us, okay? No one else."
Your eyes cast downwards towards the gap in the bleachers with a slight frown written on your features. Then, when you caught a glimpse of short, messy, dyed blonde hair with brown roots creeping up through the strands, you froze in your seat. Denial ran through your veins as you sat up straight, your eyes unfocused, gazing out onto the lacrosse field and your lips parted, soft breaths escaping. It couldn't be. He wouldn't do that to you. Not after being together for over a year.
"Okay," Came the faint reply and when the secretive mumbles came to an abrupt stop, you found yourself standing almost immediately, your legs making their way down the empty bleachers and onto the green, summer grass, your eyebrows furrowed deeply as you broke into a slow jog and travelled around the tall, shadowed stands.
But, when you saw the scene unfolding right in front of your (y/e/c) eyes, your step faltered instantaneously and you couldn't prevent the choked gasp that escaped past your lips. Your boyfriend's lips attached to one of your friend's neck, her eyes closed and her fingers weaved through his hair as his hands lay dangerously low on the bottom of her back. When they heard the almost inaudible sound come from behind them, their eyes shot open and darted towards your still figure before they jumped apart fast as if one of them were on fire and burning.
"(Y/N)..." His eyes were wide with surprise and his voice was low and full of regret. The sting of tears settled on your waterline, threatening to escape as your wide eyes stared at him from a metre away, a relatively safe distance away from the lies that you were certain he'd spew out at any second.
"Wha- What are you-" You stumbled over the words, your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth. You stopped short from trying to form a coherent sentence when you felt the salty tears spill from your eyes and roll down your flushed cheeks. You made no effort in trying to wipe them away as you croaked out the best you could, "Why?"
The two of them stayed dead silent, their eyes drifting and landing on anything other than yourself. You couldn't help the blunt, sarcastic laugh that escaped past your lips and the roll of your eyes as you stared at them in utter disbelief. "What?" Your incoherent persona was totally wiped away when their silence hit you and was replaced with a sudden anger that bubbled up inside of you due to the fact that not even one of them had the decency to give you an explanation. "Because I wouldn't mind? Right?" You sneered, your legs carrying you over to them both. You stopped short right in front of him as he let out a sigh, his eyes rolling lightly before he chuckled halfheartedly.
"(Y/N), no- come on. I didn't mean it like tha-" The harsh sound of a slap cut his words off and echoed throughout before anyone could comprehend what was happening. His head turned to the side at the impact of your hand, his jaw clenched angrily as did yours.
"No." Your voice was short and sharp; your cold eyes were fixated on your soon-to-be ex-boyfriend's guilty face, the icy glare in them not going unnoticed by either of the liars. "You did mean it like that. But that's okay, because we're over. So you can now do whatever the fuck you want."
You waited a reaction or at least an apology from either of them but when you got nothing but a guilty look from your friend and a shocked stare from the boy whom you used to date, his mouth parted as if he was insulted by your statement, you couldn't help but let out another huff of anger, shaking your head in disbelief. You gave them both one last disgusted look before turning on your heel and walking out from under the bleachers and away from those two for the last time.
The strong feeling of anger that had controlled your previous actions had already dwindled down the drain and whirled into sadness before you had the chance to make it to the girl's bathrooms. The tears once again making their escape down your face and soft cries came from your parted lips which instantly alerted the true alpha on the field, his senses picking up on the heartbroken chemo-signals that you were giving off and the sounds of distress emitting from you.
"(Y/N)?" Scott's concerned voice questioned from where he stood and infiltrated your ears as your legs desperately carried you past the lacrosse team and off of the playing field as quick as they could. You sucked in an inevitable breath of cold air, your heart hammering against your chest as the heavy tears continued to stream down your rosy cheeks.
"(Y/N), wait!" He called for you again but this time, he'd thrown his helmet off and to the grassy floor along with his lacrosse stick before blatantly ignoring Coach Finstock's angry shouts and racing after your fleeing body.
"Hey," The softness of his voice and the feel of his strong hand gently pulling on your wrist caused you to slow down and turn to face him. His face fell considerably further as soon as he took notice of your upset and distressed state, "What-what happened? What's wrong?"
Your bottom lip encased by your teeth in an attempt to suppress your broken whimpers but as soon as your glassy and pain-filled eyes connected with his deep brown ones, you couldn't stop the choked sob that escaped. Scott immediately wrapped his arms around your figure as you rest your face in the crook of his neck; his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he lightly propped his chin on top of your head.
"H-he cheated on me," You struggled to get your words out through the sobs that heaved on your chest but Scott heard you loud and clear, his grip on your shaking body tightening when the words processed through his busy mind. He was conflicted, the anger towards your ex-boyfriend coursing through his veins and his hand twitching with the need to right up to him and hurt him for hurting you. But, he knew that you wouldn't want that so instead, he let his hand run up and down your back comfortingly, swaying you side to side slightly to calm your cries.
"He didn't deserve you," His whispered words echoed through your head after a while of silence as he pressed a gentle, lingering kiss on the top of your head. You pulled back from his warm embrace slightly, sniffling quietly as you made an attempt to run your fingers through your messy hair. Scott couldn't help himself when he reached out and softly swiped away the tears resting on your cheeks with the pad of his thumbs before tucking a stray hair behind your ear, "It's okay; I'm here."
You couldn't suppress the small smile that reached your lips at the action as you wrapped your arms around his torso once again, your chin resting on his shoulder as you stood on your tiptoes. "Thank you," The hoarse whispers hit the shell of his ear before you pressed your lips to his cheek lightly, appreciative by the fact that you had someone as amazing as Scott McCall in your life.
He simply smiled, said cheeks blushing a slight red before he pulled away and took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers together with his as he gently led you away from the school. "Let's skip the rest of the day and watch movies and eat pizza at my place?" He questioned and you let out a sigh of relief, nodding your head slowly at his request, all your energy feeling as if it had dissipated into thin air.
You wiped your tired, irritated and glassy eyes with your free hand, reminding yourself that you shouldn't cry over seeing them together when you had your best friend there to show you that you weren't worthless and that you were loved. "It'll be okay. It'll all be okay." Scott wound his arm around your shoulders and brought your body closer to his once more as you walked off the school's premises together.
His heart hurt knowing that the girl he was completely and utterly in love with had just had her heart broken and was left with nothing but tears and pain, however, he was also filled with the serenity of hope that hopefully one day, you'll let him show you how you should really be treated, because you deserved nothing but the best.

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