Video Diaries - Stiles Stilinski

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"Stiles, look at the camera!" You giggle, sitting on the ground in front of him.

He looks at you from his spot on the couch and he grins. "What do I say?"

You shrug and keep the camera focused on Stiles. "Anything."

He sits up straighter and looks directly into the camera, pointing. "Y/N's a dork."

You laugh and shake your head. "Say something nice!"

Stiles repositions himself to look poised. "Y/N is a fashionable young lady."

You laugh, turning to look at Scott and Lydia as they join in on the laughter.

"Stiles, I'm trying to get footage of senior year! You'll appreciate this one day!"

Lydia snorts from her spot behind you. "Please, this is footage for your wedding."

Stiles and you both roll your eyes and look at her. "We aren't even dating." Stiles says and you nod in agreement.

"Okay, fine. It's not footage for your wedding." Scott pipes up. "It's to show your kids." Lydia and Scott sit on the couch laughing as you and Stiles get continually annoyed.

"Scott!" Stiles snaps and Scott's eyes have a quick flash of understanding before he quiets down.

"Scott say something nice." You say and you focus the camera in between him and Lydia.

"I have a nice girlfriend..?" Scott holds his hands up in confusion.

"Okay, what about her?" You smile and zoom the camera in on his face, Stiles watching the viewfinder.

"Everything?" He asks and you nod. "Umm...her name's Kira. She's...pretty?"

"Scott McCall! You can't even say nice things about your girlfriend?"

He shrugs. "I can't help it!" You laugh, shutting the camera off. You finish out the night with teasing and laughter.

The next day you call Stiles, hoping to get some work done on the video just the two of you.

"Come over." You tell Stiles, cradling the phone between your ear and your shoulder as you grab snacks from the kitchen.

"Are you busy?" He asks.

You wish he could see your eye roll. "Obviously not. I just want to hang out, maybe finish up your interview for the video."

"I'm at the station with my dad...he says hi."

"Hi, sheriff!" You yell, hoping he can hear. You hear him saying something to Stiles as you go to your room.

"Dad's kicking me out so I'll be right there. Do we have to do the interview today?" He says quietly.

"Stiles, come on! I did a video for Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior year, it's all been building up!" You sigh.

"Okay, I'll do it today. I look like a bum though." You hear him start his car.

"What are you wearing?" You sit on your bed, setting the camera up after putting him on speakerphone.

"A t-shirt, flannel, and sweatpants." He mumbles.

"Which ones?" You have almost a complete memorization of his closet...which is fair considering how many flannels you've stolen from him.

"Uhh, the red ones..why?" He questions.

You mentally cheer as he speaks. The red ones make his butt look great...not that you're looking or anything. "Just asking." You grin, glad he can't see you. "You don't look like a bum if you're wearing the red ones."

"I think I have jeans at your house anyway." He says and you jump in to save the day.

"Stiles, the video is waist up. You won't even see your sweatpants."

"Okay. If you say so. I'm pulling in now."

"Okay, be right there." You hang up and go to the front door, letting him in.

"How bad do I look?" He asks as he notices you looking.

"You're fine. Come on." You lead him up to your room and to his seat in front of the camera. You sit behind the camera and pull out the list of questions you made.

"Okay, so what's your name?" You smile at him as he answers. "What grade are you in?"

He drums his fingers on his lap. "I'm a senior."

You nod. "So, for the last 3 years I've asked you who you like. Freshman year it was Lydia, sophomore and junior year you wouldn't answer." You raise an eyebrow. "What about this year?"

He smiles very faintly and shakes his head. "No answer."

You knew he wouldn't say it was you but you're still a little sad. You're distracted for the rest of the interview, not paying much attention to the answers.

"Hey, uh..can we go back to a question? He perks his head up a little.

"Sure, which one?" You look up at him.

"The one about who I like..I uh..I have an answer." He rubs the back of his neck as color fills his cheeks.

"Go ahead.." You bite your lip.

"It's..I like Y/F/N Y/L/N. That's my answer for sophomore and junior year too."

Your eyes go wide and you drop your questions on the floor. "Stiles..." You whisper and he stands up.

You stand after he does, the two of you walking towards each other.

"You were always my answer to that question." You say as he places a hand on your waist.

"I don't know why I never said anything." He sighs and puts his forehead to yours.

You look at each other for a minute before your lips meet. You close your eyes, wrapping your arms around Stiles' neck and he pulls you closer. He kisses you passionately, the feeling of warmth surrounding you both. He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist as he balances you on the wall.

"Stiles...the camera." You say softly and he laughs.

"You really mean to capture every moment, don't you?" He smiles and puts you down.

You turn it off and take apart the tripod. "So..." You grin at him. "Where were we?"

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