Perspective - Isaac Lahey

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y/n loved Isaac Lahey with her whole heart. She loved him like the day loves the night, like the sun loves the summer. Isaac was her entire world, her safe haven.
y/n knew she could never possibly get tired of memorizing every minute detail of his crystalline blue eyes through the steam of her coffee cup. Sitting outside the cafe, no matter how cold or hot, just basking in the sunlight and the warm feeling Isaac's smile inspired in her. A casual glance her way as they passed in the hall was enough to send a giddy tingle through her fingers and toes, one that lasted until late in the night as she smiled into the cardigan he had lent her.
No matter how frequently her misdirected paranoia got her caught up in her own thoughts Isaac was able to provide the comfort she needed. He gave her control over her stressful high school social life while somehow maintaining his own. y/n didn't mind his odd group of friends or the girls who stood a little close to him, she trusted him.
But she didn't trust Allison Argent.
She thought about her as she went about her daily life. Going to school, doing her homework, taking walks, cleaning her house, etc. etc. Allison's presence haunted her like an unpleasant itch in the back of her mind.
y/n knew that heartbreak took a toll on a person's mental state, she knew that for sure. She knew that Allison had just gone through a brutal breakup with Scott McCall and that the girl was struggling to maintain a positive state of mind. But what y/n didn't understand was why Allison was pining after Isaac.
Yes, Allison's heart must be broken, but why does she have to go after her Isaac? Does she not know that it will not go over well for anyone, that it was wrong?
Now y/n's overwhelming paranoia had been wrong in the past, that she would admit, but this time she would swear on her life that this wasn't paranoia, that it was actually happening. She could bring it up to Isaac but she feared being dismissed like the boy who cried wolf. So no, she would not talk to Isaac and make it a bigger issue than it had to be. Instead she would talk to the problem herself.

y/n's hand hesitated over Allison's door as she raised it to knock, a moment of silence to prepare herself perhaps, then she tapped the door with her knuckles a total of three times.
Knock, knock, knock.
The hollow sound of the knock into the Argent's apartment rocked her to her core. No, she would not be a meek coward, not when Allison was trying to pull her and Isaac apart. y/n took a step back from the door to give herself a moment to breathe, the air she sucked in acting as fuel for her willpower.
Footsteps sounded from within, steady steps toward the door y/n stood tall before. y/n watched the doorknob turn. The glint of the fluorescent lights above off the metal flashed a light across her eyes and refreshed her mind just in time for Allison to open the door.
A look of curiosity blossomed slowly across Allison's face, an expression she tried very poorly to mask. y/n couldn't blame her, Allison must have thought she  was being discreet with her pining. Nevertheless, Allison opened the door a tad wider as a silent invitation into her home. The girl turned on her heel and walked inside, y/n tailing after her with her thumbs tucked nervously into her belt loops.
The two entered what y/n could only presume was Allison's own bedroom as she was the only girl left in the Argent home. y/n settled herself on the edge of the bed leaving Allison standing before her with a look on her face that begged for an explanation.
"Are you in love with Isaac?"
y/n's face paled the second after, shocked into silence by her own blatancy. Allison looked just as shocked, but that shock faded into something that provided the answer y/n expected. y/n stood up with a solemn silence that fed the tension in the room with a heavy lead.
"Why?! Do you have to ruin other people's relationships because yours and Scott's was a disaster?!"
y/n had taken another step forward, backing Allison back against her closet door and leaving mere inches between y/n's face and Allison's. y/n jabbed a finger into her chest and she winced, eyes wide with offense.
"Leave us alone! Leave my Isaac alone!"
y/n turned and marched out of the room, making a point to shove her shoulder into Allison's and slam the door when she left. She was too angry to go back and apologize, she knew she wouldn't be able to think rationally if she didn't go on a walk first, so that is what she did.

y/n's intimidation factor must have worked because Allison grew immediately distant. y/n couldn't help but grin when Allison veered far from Isaac when they passed in the hall and kept her eyes pointedly fascinated with the ground. It appeared y/n striking a nerve had been very affective.
The heavy chains and barbed wire her paranoia had tied around her heart fell away with ease, like a bird dropping from a branch only to glide through the air and savour its freedom. y/n applauded her own subtly as Isaac appeared none the wiser when he gave his comforting glances her way in the hall. But that giddy feeling was soon stolen.
Isaac wasn't at lunch later that day. In fact, he wasn't there at all the rest of the day. y/n grew worried, worried enough that she dropped by McCall's house when she had finished her homework and dutifully done her chores. Relief flooded her heart when he welcomed her in, telling her that nothing was wrong with a simple comforting smile. Her panic was swept under the rug.
She dragged her fingers through his golden hair, eyes scanning over his face as he drifted into sleep.
"I love you," she whispered, placing three kisses on his face. Forehead, nose, lips. Three. Actually, four. She added one more kiss, pressing it to his left cheekbone.

The McCall pack's list of priorities had gone all out of wack within the past twenty-four hours. Now, on top of dealing with a serial-killing druid and a pack of asshole alphas, Allison Argent had gone missing.

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