Daddy Derek - Derek Hale

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Ever since Derek and I got engaged a few weeks ago, every member of the pack has been acting differently around me. Not a bad different though, and they act like that around Derek too. They never used to act this way when me and Derek were just dating, but that changes as soon as we told them of our engagement.
"Dinner is in a few minutes, help me set up the table." I shout through to the living room of the restored Hale house. Within seconds, everyone is crowded around the kitchen table helping. I have always admired their eagerness.
"Should I get Derek?" Scott asks just as Derek walks into the dining room. A small smile comes to my lips as I see just how relaxed he is. It's a rare yet delightful sight.
Derek wraps an arm around my waist and kisses the top of my head. He takes the plate of two dozen burgers from me and sets it in the middle of the table for everyone to slaver over.
"Nope, he always comes running at the smell of food. Kind of like Stiles." Cora laughs at her older brother, but she couldn't have said anything more truthful. Despite looking like a Greek God, Derek eats so much shit it's incredible to witness. Same goes for Stiles.
Isaac looks at Cora with a grin. "Well damn, first you wear a dress, and now you're cracking jokes? What kind of alternate universe have I stepped into?" He teases the girl.
"He's got a point. You're a rare Hale specimen." Lydia chimes in, picking apart her burger and reassembling it after inspecting it.
I shake my head at the bunch of them and take a seat at the head of the table next to Derek. We exchange a look that roughly translates to 'we are surrounded by a bunch of kids", before shaking our heads at them.
"So, have you talked about the date for the wedding yet?" Isaac chokes out through the full burger he's managed to stuff into his mouth.
Derek and I look at each other with raised eyebrows. We haven't really spoken about a specific date, but we know it should be in spring. I've always wanted a wedding in spring time.
"Aw, can't wait to be the flower girl?" Stiles tease through a mouthful of his burger.
Isaac's eyes flicker golden for a few seconds before returning back to normal. Yet Stiles isn't scared.
"A nice yellow dress to match your eyes would be just perfect." Stiles chuckles as Isaac starts to growl in his direction.
Lydia looks at Stiles as if he just stood on her brand new pair of Prada shoes, before slapping him across the back of his head.
"Yellow? Seriously? Do you not know how to color coordinate? Ugh who am I kidding, you wanted to give me an orange shirt when I was wearing blue. A rose gold would be more of Isaac's color." Lydia concludes as Stiles looks at her, completely awestruck. It's like the sun shines out of her ass every time he looks at her. True love.
"First off, you were cold and I was trying to help! And sec-" Stiles starts gesticulating as he defends himself. He doesn't get to finish.
"Mieczyslaw Stilinski I wear I will shove that burger where the sun doesn't shine. Isaac if you growl one more time I'm going to file down your teeth in your sleep. Lydia... Never mind. You've got a point." I growl at the two bickering idiots, but agree with Lydia. She has a point. Yellow isn't Isaac's color.
Stiles look at me wide-eyes and kind of impressed. Not a lot of people know of his first name, let alone can pronounce it.
Derek kisses my cheek before digging into his own burger with such ferocity that some ketchup lands on Scott's shirt. I smile lovingly at the man next to me.I can't believe how lucky I got with his.
Derek looks around the table, eyeing the now quiet guys with suspicion. He looks between me and the rest of the pack before sitting up straight and crossing his arms over his chest. He finishes chewing before speaking up.
"Okay, someone spit it out. You listen to the two of us like we're you're parents, especially (Y/N), and you never talk back to her either. Why?" Derek questions the pack. The guys look between each other before looking anywhere but at me and Derek.
I cock my head to the side. Derek's right. It's almost like they view us as their parental figures.
"Well?" Derek presses on, staring the poor guys down. Stiles and Scott look like they've been caught red-handed, whilst Isaac and Cora just keep eating. The only one who seems to get it is Lydia.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, which I'm not, but do you think of Derek and (Y/N) as the parents of the pack?" Lydia questions the four.
I register Stiles's heartbeat quicken as Lydia asks the question. And then it all begins to fit together.
Since we announced our engagement, the pack had been acting like we're their parents. Scott and Derek have had barely any disagreements, Isaac's been by my side and helping me with anything he could, Cora has been really nice and Stiles just spoke to me different than he used to. Less sarcasm and 18+ comments than usual. They really do view as the parents of the pack.
I look at Derek with a small smile, which he returns. He's thought of the same thing.
I look over at the guys. "It's fine if you see us as the parental figures, we are together and basically lead the pack as it is." I smile at them all and my heart skips a beat. They really are like our children.
"Just don't call me 'daddy'." Derek rolls his eyes as he tucks back into his burger. The rest of us chuckle, aside from Stiles. I can already sense a comment coming from him.
"Of course not, that's between you and (Y/N)." Stiles grins mischievously, but the grin quickly disappears as Derek glares at him. Lydia coughs to mask her laugh, but fails as she laughs anyway. Slowly, one by one, the rest of us join her, until even Derek's angry facade fades away.
I look around the table at all of the people I love, laughing and just being alive after all of the things that we have been through. I love them all.

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