♡ 21 : talk to me ♡

142 16 24

Logan pushed up his glasses and looked at the college student who was only a couple years younger than him. She was struggling in class and came to him for extra assistance.

"May I see your notes?" the professor asked.

Shyly, she pulled out her class notes over the last couple of weeks.

"No need to worry. I only directly insult students I dislike," he assured her, "and you haven't done anything to piss me off yet." He took a look at her notes. "I think I see the problem. Is it alright if I move you closer to the front of the class? I know you like to sit in the far back, but it seems your focus gets diverted."

"Sorry for doodling in class," she muttered.

"Actually, doodling is fine. Sometimes it means you are unfocused, but for some, doodling or fidgeting and such can help them focus. I don't know which you are, but the reason it seems you don't focus is because your notes are too vague. Unorganized, too."

He pulled out a clean sheet of paper. "Everything you write is a single bullet point. That won't be effective when you're trying to study it. You should group them more. That way, it'll feel more cohesive." Then he pulled out a few highlighters. "Highlight key words, things you don't quite understand."

She nodded, still red from embarrassment.

After another short lesson, he furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey. What's wrong?"

The student looked on the brink of tears. "I-It's just that you're like, 24, right? You always seem to know what you're doing and how to fix every problem. You speak all properly and stuff, too. I can't catch up to that."

When Logan's vision blurred a bit, he saw Roman. But he gulped and blinked a couple times and she was back. "I'm not normal. I've always been gifted and put into honors classes. Of course I'm intelligent, but that doesn't mean I'm perfect. I've always spoken like this because I didn't have many friends growing up. I'm sure you as an individual have different strengths than I do."

Suddenly, Logan's phone buzzed.

Roman ❤️
Accept        Decline

When she looked at his phone screen on the table, she put her hand in front of her mouth to hold back her snicker (and second hand embarrassment). Meanwhile, Logan turned bright red. He spoke a little quicker. "There are many problems I have trouble fixing. Academics are just what I know best... Um, sorry. I should take this. I won't take long."

"No problem!" she replied. She definitely cheered up seeing her professor so flustered about the contact name. To her, he didn't act like someone who could fall so deeply in love or do many romantic gestures, even something so simple. Besides, students never really get to see teachers in an unprofessional setting.

Before the options went away, Logan pressed accept. "R-Roman... hi. I thought you said you'd wait for me to call."

"Uh, I-I thought it would go straight to voicemail. I didn't think you'd actually pick up!" Roman said.

Logan started to sweat. "Well, can I, uh, call you back? I'm helping out one of my students at the moment. I'm not sure when I'll call you back. But it'll be soon, okay? Gah, since you're calling when you said you'd wait for me, I expected there was some sort of emergency." He put his hand over his heart and clenched his chest.

"Yeah! All good, all good."

"Bye. Love you." Logan's face dropped. "Fu-"

Roman cut him off. "Love you too, honey bear."

Even with their tense situation, Roman had that sly edge to his voice then. On top of that though, was a coat of slight shock and absolute adoration. He wasn't expecting those words from Logan then.

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