♡ 6 : summer spent as friends ♡

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*tw: not sure if this warning is necessary, but /implied/ you-know-what*

A cap and gown on June 4th.

Logan's valedictorian speech.

Roman's 18th birthday and final show choir performance.

Caps were thrown in the air as the seniors all found their freedom after saying goodbye to all their teachers and friends who wouldn't be going to the same colleges, or any college at all.

Grasping his diploma, he inhaled deeply.

This is it.


Logan and Roman both worked at a theatre camp over the summer. Roman was an acting and dance coach and Logan was the stage manager. There was a performance at the end of every summer.

This year, they actually got along (for the most part) and the kids who were there for more than one summer wondered where the Logan-Roman beef went.

"I want you to go bigger!" Roman exclaimed. "You might think you look stupid, but the dumber you look, the better you're doing, I promise you. Greek theatre is meant to be big!"

Some of the new kids were being too shy. A couple had never even played Zip Zap Zop. Roman was going to change that.

Later, they went around the circle to describe briefly their theatre experience and how long they had been at the camp.

"I'm Roman Walsh, as you already know. I've been dancing since kindergarten and doing theatre since the first grade. I started going here in middle school and started working here when I was 16 after sophomore year. My biggest roles have been Link in Hairspray, Peter in Peter Pan, Prince Charming in Into the Woods, and in my last year of high school I got to play Emmett in Legally Blonde!"

He'd never thought about it before, but theatre for him was escapism. When Remus upset him, he would remember that he still had rehearsal and all these kids that loved him.

The treehouse was Logan's way out.

The stage was Roman's.

Shortly after everyone had introduced themselves, the door to the acting room opened and Logan stood in the doorway. "The techies accidentally ordered too much pizza so we're stopping by all four classes to see if anyone wants any even though you guys have already had lunch. Does anyone want a slice? We haven't been to the dance or music studio yet since they can only eat when their lesson is over, so it's only one slice per person for now."

Most of the kids cheered and ran to grab a piece. The others were lactose intolerant.

Before all the kids got a slice of pizza, Logan grabbed Roman and pulled him into a corner.

"Woah, what?" Roman said.

"I was just wondering, since Massachusetts and New York aren't too far from each other, do you want to occasionally visit each other even though we're going to different colleges?" Logan asked timidly.

Roman smirked. "It's nice that you like being around me now."

"Shut the fuck up, Ro," the older one chuckled.

"But yes, I'd love to visit you during college. But I'm also going to be visiting home, too, so we should go down to Florida together!"

"Sounds good. Oh, I think it's time for you to go back." He hugged Roman quick. "Bye. See you."

Logan was not a fun enemy to have, but they were close to being best friends by some strange act of the universe.

And he made Roman melt.

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