♡ 2 : dinner with the deckers ♡

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*tw: toxic and homophobic family setting*

It was 5 in the morning on Monday and Logan couldn't sleep. His laptop was begging to be opened to see if Roman had done any work.

Finally, he gave in and checked the slideshow.

He had to refresh to make sure he was seeing correctly. He squinted at the screen through his glasses.


Roman had done nothing.

So he did them for him, which took another hour.

And it was 6 in the morning, the time Logan would normally wake up, so he got ready on not a single second of sleep and trudged through the school day.

"What's your deal?" Roman asked. "You've been ignoring me all day."

Logan slowly turned to face Roman, his eyes darkening tremendously, and even though Roman was taller, Logan could kill him under that deadly glare. "What's my deal? Did you just ask if I had a problem? Well! Since you finally give a fuck for once, guess why I'm ignoring you, shithead! Because I didn't get a single fucking hour of sleep since I was up late doing your goddamn work!"

"I can help with speaker notes-"

"I'm sick of you saying you'll help when you won't. You're absolutely useless. If I fail something, there will be huge consequences for me at home and I don't think you understand. Quit being an imbecile. You won't need to help me with speaker notes, because I decided to write all of them since I can't trust you. To make it even more fair, you only have to say one line. Got it?"


"And that's the end of our presentation," Roman said.

Logan wasn't kidding about only allowing him to say one thing.

The teacher looked up at the pair, perplexed. "I feel as though this is Logan's presentation and not a group effort. Both of you, see me after class."

When the final bell rang and everyone rushed out of the room, Logan and Roman stayed behind.

When their teacher asked them to explain, Logan, of course, spoke up first. "I did my ten slides and and noticed that Roman hadn't even finished his notes for five of his, so I spent every study hall helping and even doing half his notes. When more days passed and he hadn't so much as touched the project, I did five more. I invited him over to my house where he got distracted so I did three more for him and told him he only needed to do two, which he obviously did not do. I went to school yesterday without an ounce of sleep because I was doing his work, so I figured I'd write all the speaker notes as well since it wasn't like he would know the material well enough to talk about it anyway."

"Is this true, Roman?" their science teacher sighed. She looked at her grading rubric. "This is a partner project. There needs to be effort split between both of you."

When Roman couldn't plead, she shook her head in disappointment.

"I've finalized your grades. You were going to get a group grade, but I figured in this case it would just not be fair. Logan, an A+. Great job and perseverance, and if this happens again, you should email me and I will move you to a group you can work most effectively in or allow you to work independently with the work cut to be manageable. As for Roman, an F and a call home. You can bring it up to a D during detention if you put any effort into the work I give you. There will be a packet for you containing all the material from the unit that was supposed to go into your presentation."

Logan beamed and let out a sigh of relief.

"You two are dismissed."

Logan was the first to leave. A taller student in a black hoodie was waiting the door and they walked together to his locker.

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