♡ 1 : the beginning ♡

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*tw: panic attack, internalized homophobia*

Despite talking so much game, Roman had never fallen in love. He had a couple crushes here and there, but he had never even kissed anyone yet and only had a girlfriend for a short period of time during his freshman year. But, as a high school junior, he figured he had the rest of his life to find someone.

A special girl.

Over time with his crushes, he figured that his type was girls with athletic figures of any race, though he did love dark hair, especially with light eyes.

But there was one crush he didn't like to think about. He didn't even count it as a crush, just repressed it hard as soon as he realized what he was feeling. It worked because he nearly forgot about the b- person.

Young people face changes and sometimes, through exploring their identity, they may realize that they're wrong. That's what Roman told himself, because he loved girls.

"Roman. Snap out of it. We have a project and I'm sick of always being assigned to be your partner because I end up having to do all the work."

That was the boy Roman had liked less than a year ago.

Logan Decker pushed up his glasses. "I am this close to smacking you to get your attention. Roman, this is due Tuesday and your slides are almost entirely blank!"

But he didn't like him anymore. Even with his black hair and blue-gray eyes. However, there was one more reason he didn't like to think about his previous crush on the nerd.


"Oh, I, um," Logan stammered, blushing profusely. The confession had caught him off guard. "...I-I'm very sorry, Roman, but I just don't feel the same way. I hope you understand, and please don't feel embarrassed. It's nice that you trust me with that information, I just- um-"

Logan wasn't one to stumble over his words, and he definitely wasn't one to say sorry.

Roman wasn't sure if he was talking to the right person.

"I'm actually already in a romantic relationship," he explained. "Thank you, though. I'm flattered. Um, don't worry! I won't out you or anything. Your secret is safe with me."

Roman smiled through the horrible humiliation. "It's okay!" He put his hand out. "Agree to forget this ever happened and move on with our lives?"

Logan offered back an uncomfortable side grin and shook his hand. "Agreed."

The next day, Logan was back to his normal self. Roman couldn't wrap his mind around how Logan could be so kind yet so cold.


Soon enough, Roman was being smacked in the head with a book, but he noticed Logan being fairly gentle, only just hitting hard enough to make a point.

There was that empathy. It was there, but it was hidden.

Not like he wanted to be hit in the head under any circumstance.

Logan looked around and leaned over to whisper to Roman, "Are you feeling well? Would you like me to get you anything?"

Roman shook his head.

The older one pursed his lips. "Come to my house after school so we can continue to work on this project. I'll help you through your slides and- Oh, great. The bell is going to ring. I'll meet you at your locker and we can walk. It's a fairly short walk."

it was always you // loginceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora