Chapter 11

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"Well the stereo is officially broken," reported Jin.

You had tagged along to watch their dance practice and were now sitting on the couch watching. Every movement was so precise. It was almost hypnotizing watching them. You couldn't look away. However, the screeching sound of the stereo static snapped you back into reality.

"Come on, there has to be another stereo around here that we can use to practice," Namjoon suggested.

"There's a few in the store room, but they are all either super outdated or missing cords or plugs," Jimin replied.

Yoongi and Jungkook returned from their search, emptyhanded.

Namjoon sighed. "Anyone have any ideas before we just try without the music?"

"We could play it from our phone?"

"No, it won't be loud enough."

"What if Y/N played it for us?" Yoongi suggested. "We saw a piano in the other room. She could play each song on the piano."

The boys all looked expectantly at you.

"I mean yeah, I can try. I'm guessing none of you have sheet music on hand for me?" Yoongi shook his head. "That's fine. I'll just need to listen to the songs then."

Jungkook handed you a pair of headphones. Smiling, Y/N let your fingers dance in the air as you memorized the song. Like all BTS songs, it was beautiful.

I should really spend more time listening to their music, you thought to yourself.

While you were busy listening to the song, the boys wheeled the piano into the practice room, somehow fitting it through the doorway. Handing the headphones back to Jungkook, you sat down on the bench.

"Okay, I think I'm ready." You placed your hands on the keys, easily finding the right notes.

Instead of dancing, the boys stared at you in shock, except for Yoongi who was already aware of your musical prowess.

"Woah. You are amazing. You can play like that after just listening to it a few times?" Jin inquired.

You nodded. "Oh, thank you. I think I might've messed up the key at one point during the key change though. I'm sorry if that messed you guys up."

"It sounded perfect," Yoongi reassured.

"Oh okay. I'm glad. Ready?" The boys nodded, getting into position.

An hour later and the boys were a sweaty mess. Jungkook was wiping his face with a towel. Taehyung and Jimin were gulping down bottles of water like it was a competition. Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi were all lying on the floor in exhaustion.

"Thanks Y/N for playing for us so that we could practice today," Namjoon said. "I really appreciate it."

The other boys chimed in with a chorus of thank you's.

"It was no problem."

Jin winked. "If our stereo ever breaks again, we'll know exactly who to call."

"Call me anytime. I'm happy to help." You smiled. "I can see why you guys are so popular. BTS can really do it all. You are truly amazing dancers."

They all glowed under the praise.

"Thank you! We work really hard on the choreography. We want to make our fans proud," Hoseok chirped.

"I can tell. Luckily for me, being a pianist doesn't require any dancing ability." You chuckled. "I'd be lucky to have even half the talent you guys do."

"Oh come on, anyone can dance," Jungkook insisted.

"Yeah, here we'll teach you!" Jimin added. Taking your hand, he led you to the center of the room. "Just follow me." Jimin did a quick demonstration of the dance.

You tried to copy him, but quickly forgot the movements. "That was way too fast for me."

"Here, Yoongi, come show Y/N."

Yoongi stared at Jimin, slightly confused. "You're on the dance line though. Aren't you more qualified?"

"But you and Y/N both love to write music, so you know where she's coming from skillswise. Plus I'm too tired." Jimin gestured for Yoongi to start before sitting down with the other members.

Yoongi scratched the back of his neck, trying to find the right words. "Think of it like the music you love to play – how it flows from one note to the next. Dancing can be just like that – flowing from one step to the next. And you build up too. You don't have to start with lots of quick sharp movements just like you wouldn't start by learning 'La Campanella'. Start slow."

He showed you a few steps, going slow so that you could keep up. You tried your best to copy his movements.

"Like that?"

He nodded, smiling. "That was good. Now add this."

He showed you a couple more steps. Once again you tried to copy his movements, but it was awkward and didn't flow nearly as well as when he did it.

"Here. It helps if you stand more like this and are lighter on your feet."

His hands gently touched your waist and then your shoulders as he fixed your posture. He was so close you could feel his breath on your neck and smell his cologne mixed with sweat.

A blush creeped over your cheeks. Your heart was beating fast, and not from the dancing.

"And now, put it all together."

Yoongi guided you through the little routine a few times. His smile grew wider as you made it farther and farther through the routine without a mistake. After the fourth attempt you perfectly executed each step.

"I did it! I did the dance. Woah that was so cool!" You threw your arms around Yoongi, wrapping him in a hug. "Thank you for teaching me."

"You're so talented Y/N. You can do anything you put your mind to."

"Thank you."

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