Chapter 7

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You were waiting nervously outside of the music shop where Yoongi said he'd meet you. You smiled when you saw him walking down the street. Waving to him, he waved back.

"First place! I'm truly in the presence of a genius." Yoongi bowed, making you laugh.

"Stop, I couldn't have done it without you. I was literally about to run out of there that day."

"But you didn't. You faced your fears and came out on top. And now we are going to celebrate!"

"So where are we going? You said it would be a surprise."

"I thought we'd take a walk along the Han River and eat some street food."

"Sounds perfect." He reached out for your hand as you walked towards the river. His hand felt warm. It fit perfectly together with yours.

You spent the evening walking along the river, hand in hand. It was the perfect evening for it. He paid for all the food, denying your attempts to pay for yourself.

"I insist. You earned it for coming in first." Yoongi pulled a few bills from his wallet.

"Are you sure? I can pay."

Yoongi quickly handed the woman working the stall the money before you could hand her your money. The woman handed Yoongi the food. You bought some drinks before finding the perfect spot to sit down and eat.

"Here Y/N, try this." Yoongi held out a skewer of meat for you to try. You took a bite.

"Mhmm! That's so good! Here, try mine." You held out your skewer for him to try. He took a bite, giving you a thumbs up as he chewed.

"You have a little sauce on your face. Here, let me get it." He gently held your face with one hand as he leaned in and wiped the sauce off with your thumb. Your face felt flushed.

"Oh, uh thanks."

He laughed. "You're welcome."

You watched the river flow as the sun set. The sky was a beautiful pinkish-purple color. It was a picturesque moment. You leaned your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you in close. Everything just felt so right with him. The rest of the world seemed to fade away.

"Thank you for bringing me here. This was the perfect idea."

Yoongi ruffled his hair a bit out of nervousness. "Of course. You deserve it for being so talented."

He paused, mustering up the courage to say something. "Y/N there's something that I've been wanting to tell you for a while. I really li–"

"Is that Min Yoongi?" Someone asked aloud.

Yoongi suddenly pulled back, shifting away from you. You felt a pang in your heart at the sudden distance between you two.

Was Yoon about to confess to me? Why'd he stop? Is he embarrassed or ashamed of me all of a sudden? You wondered.

The world that had melted away suddenly flooded back full force. You could feel people's eyes staring at you two, especially a group of girls to your left.

"Is that Min Yoongi?" One of the girls whispered to her friend.

"I think it is. Who is he with? Do you think the other boys are here too?"

"Yoongi! Yoongi over here! Can I get a picture with you?" The girl waved frantically as she raced in Yoongi's direction. Several heads turned in your direction. More girls and a few guys started cheering "Yoongi!"

"We should go." Yoongi started briskly walking in the other direction.

"It's BTS! BTS is here! More people stared and pointed at him. "Yoongi! Min Yoongi!"


Yoongi grabbed your hand and started running.

"What's going on?"

You struggled to keep up with him. Tripping on the curb, you stumbled to the ground. "Ahh!" You tried putting weight on your ankle, but fell back down.

Yoongi glanced nervously at the growing crowd that was following you two. "Here, I'll carry you." He bent down so that you could climb onto his back. As you wrapped your arms around his neck, he grabbed onto your legs to keep you secure. He ran down several alleys trying to avoid the people chasing after you.

First Love -- Min Yoongi (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now