Chapter 3

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Yoongi quickly slipped into the music store. He thought there were a few fans following him. He was slowly getting better at evading the fans, but they seemed to be getting better at tracking him too.

Yoongi waved at Hyunjin, the owner, before sitting down in front of the piano in the back. The only thing he could think to play was the same song that he had been trying to escape by coming to the music store.

It was an unfinished song that was still under heavy reconstruction. Something about it just felt off. He couldn't figure out what it was or how exactly to fix it.

You were in the back doing inventory when you heard someone playing the piano. It wasn't too often that customers played any of the instruments, and certainly not with the talent and skill that this person had.

You stopped what you were doing and just listened. It was a dark and haunting song. The kind of song that would be very personal to the songwriter.

Usually most songs followed a consistent pattern which made it easy for you to predict what would come next. Most pop songs had very simple chord progressions. This song, however, was unique in that it was practically unpredictable at times. It kept you on your toes, hooked and wanting to hear more.

You were rooted in the spot.

Who was playing? Was it the same person that was here just a few days ago who was singing too?

As the song came to an abrupt end before the true ending could be heard, you raced into the storefront to see who was playing.

The bell chimed, letting you know that you were too late.

- - - -

"I can't believe I missed him again!" Y/N complained.

It was late now and you were about ready to close up the store. Your best friend Jisoo had come by to pick you up.

You continued her rant. "I'm never busy! The store is practically dead all day and the one time I have to go in the back to restock, the piano man comes in and disappears. He leaves no trace behind except a beautiful yet unfinished melody that I can't get out of my head."

"Come on, someone had to have seen your piano man, right? Coworkers, boss, other customers?" Jisoo inquired.

You sighed and shook your head. "No, it's usually so slow that there's no one working beside me."

"What about a camera? Isn't there one by the entrance?"

"It's just for show. It doesn't actually record anything."

"What about that other guy you said comes around all the time?"

"Yoon? Nah, I think he just likes to listen to me play."

"Well the piano man keeps coming back, right? He can't keep disappearing forever. You'll catch him eventually."

"Yeah, I guess." You sighed.

"Are you ready to close up here? I bought ice cream for tonight!"

"Ooh my weakness. Yeah, let me just lock up."

- - - -

The store bell chimed and Yoongi walked in. He smiled when he saw Y/N behind the counter. Without Jimin here to spy on him, Yoongi could relax and hopefully listen to Y/N play.

"Yoon, you're back!" You were holding a stack of records that needed to be put out on the shelves. Quickly setting them down, you wrapped him in a hug. "Where have you been? It's been forever!"

"I've had a lot of work, but I snuck away for a bit today."

"Aww, miss me that much?"

Yoongi nodded. Your smile and cheerful attitude were infectious. He couldn't help but be in a good mood too.

"After I put these away, wanna hear me play? I know it always cheers you up. Don't try to deny it either! I see the smile it puts on your face."

"Here, I'll help you." Yoongi laughed, taking half of the stack you were holding. His fingers brushed against yours. You felt your heart skip a beat.

"Oh, you don't have to. It's kinda my job."

"I don't mind."

"Oh, okay... Thank you." You went back to putting away the records, humming as you went.

Yoongi stopped, looking over at you. The song sounded familiar, but he couldn't place it or why he felt so unsettled hearing it. Shrugging off the feeling, he kept putting the records back in their place.

As you were putting the records away, you came across one that went on the top shelf. You tried a couple times to stand on your tippy toes, even jumping to get a few more inches, but you were still too short. Looking around the store, there weren't any stools in sight.

"Need some help?" Yoongi offered. He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the ground.


You were surprised at the sudden proximity between you too. Yoongi had never really gotten this close before.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, no, I'm good." You slid the record into place on the shelf and Yoongi set you down gently. "Thank you... for umm helping me."

"No problem." Yoongi winked.

Working together it didn't take long to put them all back. You took your usual seat at the piano while Yoongi took his spot next to the piano.

As always you played whatever piece you were currently practicing for your competition, and as always you veered off track. This time though, with that song stuck in your head, you started to play the last couple bars where it leaves off. Then you improvised an ending for it.

Yoongi looked up at you in shock.

"Ugh! I've had that song stuck in my head for days. Someone came in and played it last week, but I didn't get to hear the ending. So now it's trapped in my head until I hear the end. Do you know what song it is?"

"Umm... no. I've never heard it before."

A lie. Yoongi had written that exact song and played it here once when he thought you weren't here. If you found out it was him, then his anonymity might be blown and he'd have to stop coming here. His only choice was to lie and act like he didn't know the song.

"Darn. I never got to see who was playing it either, so I can't even ask them."

"You didn't?" Yoongi perked up a bit.

You looked at him strangely. "No, I didn't. He ran out before I could."

"Oh, I mean, that sucks. I have to go, but I hope you find him someday though."

Yoongi waved quickly before rushing out of the store.

That was a close one, he thought to himself.

First Love -- Min Yoongi (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now