Chapter 1

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The familiar chime of the bell made Y/N look up. Yoongi walked in. A big grin creeped across your lips.

"Hey Y/N," he greeted.

"Oh hey Yoon," You said smiling. You set down the guitar that you were tuning. "What can I do for you today?"

"I'm just looking around."

"That's what you always say. One of these days you'll buy an instrument, or better yet, wow me with your musical ability. You know you can practice on any of the instruments to try them out. The owner Hyunjin doesn't mind."

"That's okay."

"I still think you're secretly a music genius. No matter what you say."

"And what makes you think that?" Yoongi smiled playfully.

Yoongi wasn't too afraid of Y/N finding out he was actually in one of the biggest boy bands in Korea. Based on the type of music playing through the store speakers, Yoongi knew you didn't listen to anything from this century. He also never told you his full name. You only knew him as Yoon.

"Hmm... I don't know. You just give off a general musician vibe to me."

"Well even if I was a musician, you'd be the real genius between us."

You blushed. "Oh please. I'm not that good. I can barely make it past the preliminary rounds in competition."

Yoongi cocked his head in confusion. "But I hear you play all the time."

"I improvise too much. The judges don't really like that kind of thing."

"Ah well you should keep practicing. I can easily see you becoming one of the best pianists in the world."

You hid your face behind your hands. "Stop. You're making me blush. A girl can only dream."

"When you get there, don't forget to invite me to your sold out performances."

You laughed. "Alright, I won't forget. But for now all I can invite you to is a super exclusive performance in this old music store."


Yoongi followed you over to the piano. You stretched, reaching your hands high above your head, before practicing the piece for your upcoming competition.

Yoongi leaned on the piano, content to just watch you play.

Eventually though your mind wandered and you started improvising instead of playing the piece as it was written. You threw your hands up in frustration when you realized your mistake.

"Ugh, I'll never get it right."

"Who cares? I like your version better."

"But that's not how you win competitions."

"Don't beat yourself up too much. It's important to have fun while playing every once in a while. Otherwise you'll forget why you are even playing the piano in the first place."
"See it's comments like that which make me think you are a musical genius."

"Hmm, maybe one day." Yoongi checked his watch. "I gotta go soon, but can I hear one more song before I leave?"

"As you wish."

The sound of the piano filled the air, bringing Yoongi back to a simpler time before he got caught up in the idol life and the pressure to produce music.

First Love -- Min Yoongi (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now