10 | Happier Times

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I made my way back to the bathroom, and slammed through the door to find Junior right where I'd left him. I reached out to him and he ran over to me. I grabbed his hand and I guided him out of the flaming building. The sub-level's ceilings began to tilt slightly, the charring materials giving way to all the weight above. I helped him through the window into the old store, and out of the exit door window.

Once outside, I lead the crying prince out of the side of the building.

"Look! It's the king's sons!" People from around the public began to recognize our dirtied selves as we emanated from the alleyway.

"Junior, stay here. I'm going back for dad,"

"But the building, it's unsafe! Please don't go," the small boy wailed. "I'm going in there, Junior. I'll get him out for us, okay?" He nodded as the public rushed to get Junior into the open to help him.

"Hey!" You can't go in alone!" I didn't turn back, only freezing in place. "Oh yeah? Watch me. I'm saving my father,"

"No," he spun me around. "Tony?!" He hugged me briefly. "Let's get in there and save the king," he said. "I can't have you getting hurt," I said, and he sighed before continuing.

"I'm not letting my absence be the reason you're hurt. Not again,"

I huffed, hoping I could protect him too. "We don't have much time," The public watched as we crawled through the window, the doors stuck on emergency lockdown. Sirens could be heard in the distance. Heavy flames could be seen within the building.

"Dad!" I coughed. "Dad!"

The building raved with smoke. We tried to stay away from the fire as we navigated through the once glamorous, now smoke damaged halls.



The room where the sound was coming from was engulfed in flames. The sub-level. Where we were for hours.

"I'm gonna have to go into the flames, Tony," I said. "No way! You'll burn!"

"I'd rather burn now trying to save him than committing suicide later for doing nothing. You're gonna have to trust me, Tony," he hugged me and nodded into my shoulder. I patted his back and pulled away.

I hurried down the stairs and into the fire-filled basement. I ran through the flames.

"Dad! Daddy!" I yelled, not seeing him.

"Son!" I couldn't feel the flames burning my clothes. My body isn't burning in any way. I felt a faint sting though. Just because this device is implanted into me doesn't mean I'm invincible. Ludwig told me that we're not invincible to fire. We just burn much slower. I felt the pain creeping up on me.

"Dad! Where are you?!" I said, tripping over charred bodies and guts, all trapped victims of the tragedy.

There he is! I quickly ran over to him and put myself under his arm. I guide him through the escape route and out of the building. "Oh my god are you guys okay?!" Tony frantically knelt as my dad collapsed against a wall. "Can you get us water? Please?" Tony nodded and rushed out of the window we came in. I unzipped Bowser's hoodie, and he helped me take it off.

"Son," he ululated weakly. "You shouldn't, dad. Let's get you water first," He nodded and held out his arms. I crawled into them, my stomach pain killing me. "I love you, trooper," he croaked. "I love you too Dad,"

"Is Junior safe?"

"I escorted him to safety," I assured, he nodded, too dry in his throat to speak anymore.

"I got the water!" Tony fumbled through the alley, nearly falling. He knelt beside us. Bowser put an arm around the boy.

"Thanks. For keeping my son safe and helping save my life,"

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