A couple new musical theatre dreamcast ideas and new videos!

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I honestly should have made this a while ago because two of my first choices changed after listening to Great Comet

I honestly should have made this a while ago because two of my first choices changed after listening to Great Comet

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Grace McLean played Marya Dmitrievna in Great Comet and I honestly wanna see her as Izumi so badly. She has the perfect indomitable yet motherly prescence and she brings so much energy and rage and love to her role. Her voice is so powerful and her raspy shout-singing? Utterly priceless. To hear her say the words "A HOUSEWIFE" would be, simply put, a dream come true.

Lucas Steele (Anatole Kuragin from the same show) as Kimblee would be perfect on SOOO many levels! He has that perfect creepy charisma and graceful physicality and gift for playing characters who are charismatic but also utter douchebags, and his ...

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Lucas Steele (Anatole Kuragin from the same show) as Kimblee would be perfect on SOOO many levels! He has that perfect creepy charisma and graceful physicality and gift for playing characters who are charismatic but also utter douchebags, and his voice is just straight up from another planet. Plus he's super aesthetic and he'd look incredible in a white suit and fedora.

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