I would fall from grace, just to touch your face (one shot)

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So re. the recent post on my feed, I was thinking about the... potentially spicy implications as to what could have happened between Roy and Riza's scene in the car and their arrival at central. My mind got to wondering, as it does, and then my 11 PM Royai Thoughts™ turned into this monstrosity. I know this would definitely not realistically happen in canon but just let these two be thirsty for each other okay. The opening is kinda stupid and very rushed what's pacing we don't do that here
Strong T rating: groping, suggestive comments, brief language- apparently I was wrong about the tango one shot this is the closest I will ever get to writing smut

After the short drive back to central from the not-so-safe-anymore safe house, Roy pulls into an empty alley so he and Riza can change into their uniforms. Most would consider it inappropriate for two officers of the opposite gender in the same chain of command to be stripping within four feet of each other, but when they've seen each other emotionally bared in nearly every way imaginable, being physically bared should hardly be relevant. But in spite of their general assumptions of self-control in such matters, something makes Riza's eyes twitch slightly to her left, and she can't quite manage to tear them away.

It's more than Roy simply being physically attractive,  it's that his body is such a perfect representation of the man she knows and loves. His strong arms and broad shoulders that can instantly command a room, unyielding in the face of adversity, contrasted against his soft, youthful features, evoking the kind, idealistic heart most aren't lucky enough to be acquainted with. His intelligent, piercing dark eyes, his perpetually disheveled hair (suggesting that passionate, rebellious streak that the military could never entirely take away)... she loves every inch of him, and it isn't often that she's able to really take him in in this way.

Which is why it takes her a second to notice that he's taking her in too.

That one split second of eye contact was all it took, like a match falling into a jug of gasoline.
"You too?!"
"So I'm not the only-"
"Holy shit."

Riza gives a quick nudge of her head sideways, eyes still fetchingly wild with shock, and they both scramble towards the back of the car. Years of somber repression and standing on ceremony and long nights of yearning go up in flames as Roy hastens to know his Lieutenant's body as well as he knows her soul. He finds that they are one and the same- hard and lean in places, soft and delicate in others. And so, so beautiful. And all the more so for her perfect imperfections- he kisses her calloused fingertips and the dark circles under her eyes with feverish adoration. They are marks of the things he loves about her, after all... her tireless dedication, her constantly active mind, her willingness to sacrifice her own well being for that of others- but none of that tonight. Tonight, he gives back.

"God, you're gorgeous. I don't know how I manage to look at you every day without getting weak in the knees," he says with a lack of composure that would have been embarrassing in front of anyone else.

"You have no idea," Riza says breathlessly, kissing him like she's dying and his mouth is the only available life support. "I drove myself crazy some nights with how badly I wanted you. Frankly-" she kisses his neck- "it was rather"- his hands- "irresponsible of me!", tightly wrapping her arms over his shoulders with mingled relief and frustration. He could scream with catharsis.

Roy kisses just above her heart (by far his favorite feature of hers) as Riza winds her fingers through his hair, sending the perfect amount of pressure across his scalp. "You deserve better than a backseat. We're not teenagers," he admits, silently acknowledging that he's making up for the years of youthful abandon that never could have been theirs.

Riza smiles wryly. "The things I would do to you in a proper bed," she says, her voice low and silky and her eyes boring into his. The expression of uninhibited desire is uncharacteristic of his lieutenant, but extremely welcome. Riza presents a carefully collected image to the rest of the world, with her clipped updo and stiff upper lip, but there is another side of her that is raw, daring, passionate, as fiery as anything his hands have sent forth. And though he knows this isn't necessarily true, he indulges himself in the thought that Riza reserves this part of her especially for him, like he's the only one who knows the real her.

"Don't make me more greedy than I already am," he urges, and after silently asking permission, he thrusts his hand between her legs. Riza lets out a shuddering gasp, then almost a sob of release and pleasure. Good, he thinks. She deserves some relief considering what I put her through every day.

Riza's face is flushed, her hair splayed across her shoulders and her eyes sparkling. "Now I know why I put up with you not doing your paperwork", she says, almost laughing. This combination of her signature wry humor mixed with sweetness and awe only endears her more to him. Riza straightens her back, then begins to massage his shoulders, and he swears he can feel very ounce of tension and weariness leave his body with her firm yet gentle touch. His head rolls back and his eyes close reflexively, but he opens them just in time to see her looking at him with such natural tenderness, as if this is something they do every night, as if they're husband and wife and not forbidden from calling each other by anything other than their rank. "Thank you," he murmurs ardently. "I love your hands so much."

He could stay like this forever, praising her and pleasuring her and giving her all the affection he's ached to give her for so long, asking only the touch of her hands in return. So perhaps it's good for the mission that a violent, stabbing pain in his side forces Roy back to reality.
Riza's eyes cross from Roy's embarrassed expression to the wound in his side, healing, but still ugly red and swollen. Her heart splinters at the thought of the pain he must have experienced on that day, and how even then, he pushed through in order to protect her and Alphonse. Because of course he did. He's Roy. Her stubborn, insane, noble, courageous, brilliant Colonel that she would live for and die for.

"You're still here." She nearly weeps as she kisses his fingertips, like she had wanted to so desperately two weeks ago, when she'd thought she would never feel them warm and living again.  "You're still here."

Roy has her in his arms within seconds, cradling her tight against his sturdy frame. He strokes his fingers down her back, warm and painstakingly slow, like the tide ebbing and flowing against the shore. It occurs to her that this is probably the closest she will ever get to heaven. He whispers her name into her ear, his voice low and sensuous and indescribably lovely. It feels foreign on her tongue, but like a child taking their first steps, she repeats his into his chest, a plea, a prayer.

"If I end up confronting Bradley, there's a chance he may try to use you against me," Roy confesses, with a ragged vulnerability that makes hear heart both shatter and swell. "We've already lost Hughes, and last week we both almost died, and I... I think I needed you to know." He presses a slow kiss to her temple, like it's sacred, and she feels like she could melt into him on the spot.

I love you. I'd do anything for you. I can't imagine my life without you in it. All too cliche, too simple, not enough to do justice to the tempest of what she feels for him.  All she knows is that though she hates to admit it, finally leaving his embrace and donning her uniform once again is one of the hardest things she's ever had to do.

Within minutes they're back to normal, back to stiff postures and military blues and calling each other by their rank. "Wait here, Lieutenant," Roy insists. "If anything happens to me at least you'll have a chance at getting out of here alive." Riza refuses.

"You're a stubborn one."

"That's something you've always known, sir."

He sighs, and then gives her a look of such brief but unguarded gentleness that she has to hold back a smile. "Will you wait here if I promise to come back?"

He leaves, and Riza waits for him, like she has for so many years, like she probably will for the rest of her life.

And yes I know that realistically Roy's wound would have started acting up a lot earlier but it didn't for story reasons sorry
I was also too lazy to do any extra buildup/scene building at the beginning, character interactions are my strong suit not so much the other stuff. I can't find the full car scene on Youtube and I really didn't have any actual original ideas to add so yeah the making out starts way too fast but its fiiiiine... it also doesn't help that Lantur interprets that bit way better than I ever could so yeah

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