WELCOME! And tag

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     Greetings Risembool Rangers, Miniskirt Armies, and everyone in between! I'm General @ThatOneLostie, and this book is a blog/fan club meant to bring fans of Fullmetal Alchemist on this site together. Other current members are Brigadier General @bleed-the-freak and Colonel @Stephen_King0 (aka Colonel Sanders)! You can join the club simply by reading the book, and you can get a higher ranking by consistently commenting on chapters. 

     Want to see more FMA content I've published? Check out chapters 87, 90, 91, 92, 94, 97 and 98 of My Art Book and my Roy Mustang analysis in Why I Love!

I'm gonna start this book with a tag, so you can learn some of my opinions about this show. Anyone reading this is encouraged to give their own answers! I'll keep it short and sweet for now but I'll elaborate on my opinions some in later chapters.


1. Favorite male character- ROY MUSTANG!!! 

2. Least favorite male character- I like all the ones you're supposed to like, so I guess Gluttony bc he's freakin scary. Or Furher Bradley. Or Pride, the little brat

3.  Favorite Female Character- Riza Hawkeye!

4. Least favorite female character - I guess Lust, she's still a great villain though.

5. Favorite voice actor/actress - Travis Willingham and Colleen Clinkenbeard!

5. Favorite antagonist - ENVYYY

6. Favorite fight - Roy vs Lust even though that's the most basic choice ever

7. Favorite opening- Again (Brotherhood part 1). Just gorgeous. From 2003 it's Ready Steady Go bc it's just so FUN

8. Favorite Ending: SHUNKAN SENTIMENTAL (Brotherhood part 4) FOR THE WIIIIIIN

9. Favorite Piece of Music- Trisha's Lullaby, Brothers, The Intrepid, Crime and Punishment, and A Soldier's Honor.

9. Favorite Quote: Gosh there's so many good ones. Anything that comes out of Roy's mouth pretty much. If I had to pick one, I'll go with "Any man with the brains to think and the nerve to act for the benefit of the people of this country is considered a radical by those who are content with stagnation and willing to endure disaster." Wise, badass and very, very true. 

10. Favorite episode/Scene: Beyond the Inferno (Brotherhood part 5 episode 2), and the scene where Riza stops Roy from killing Envy. Any sweet/poigant/awesome moment between the two of them, pretty much.

11. Favorite Location: OOOH, that's difficult. I guess Central Command, bc that's where most of Roy and Riza's scenes are. Fort Briggs is awesome too though.

12. Favorite Elric Brother- I GUESS I'll go with Ed, I adore Al too though.

13. Saddest Moment- The ending of An Alchemist's Anguish. It's cliche, but there's no scene that tops it for me, except maybe the Ishvalan War scenes.

14. Funniest Moment- Useless in the Rain, "A HOUSEWIFE", Roy giving Olivier flowers, any time in Part 2 where Ling trolls Ed, Ed catches Winry changing, anything Armstrong does except when it's sad, Hughes pulling a gun on a bunch of toddlers, Tiny Miniskirts, and SO MANY MORE

15. Your OTP- Royai owns me

16. Your NOTP- Anything involving pedophilia I guess

17. A character you would like to see alive- Hughes, duh

18. A character you wish died/you are grateful that they died- Furher Bradley

19. Favorite thing about FMA- The brilliant characters, animation and music! Oh, and Royai

20. Least favorite thing about FMA- Never getting to see Roy and Riza hold hands, say I love you, kiss, etc. I know a lot of the beauty in their relationship is the unspokenness of it, but I just love them and want them to be happy

21.  2003, Brotherhood, or Manga- Have to go with Brotherhood bc it's the only one I've watched in full. What I've seen of 2003 and the manga is excellent though.

22. Something you would like to change- aside from #20, I feel like we were robbed of interactions between Roy and Ling. They have so much in common, they're both trying to become the leader of their country so they can fix it and they both have an awesome bodyguard that they're secretly in love with, I wish we'd gotten ONE scene where they talked

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