Fullmetal Alchemist Musical ROUGH Tracklist Part One Act One

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No one:

Me: posts a full outline for a musical of songs that literally don't exist yet plus half-assed summaries of each one

Fma Musical would probably be done in two parts with two acts each, like Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Not 100% sure which songs would have ensemble yet, so that's not included. I would absolutely incorporate pieces from the original score wherever appropriate. This would not be a sung-through musical, so if there's a key moment you don't see, it's probably still in the show, just as part of the script rather than in song form.

Act One

1. "Overture/Laws of Alchemy"

2. "Prologue"- Ed, Al, Trisha, MAYBE Hohenheim. Not quite sure how much of this would be sung, but this would flesh out the Elrics'~ backstory up through the human transmutation.

3. "Brothers"- Ed, Al. The only song that's actually been written, because I didn't write it! Obviously, a duet between Ed and Al following the human transmutation. Gorgeous, sad and gets reprised a LOT.

4. "Dog of the Military"- Roy, Ed, Al, Riza, Hughes, Armstrong, Bradley, etc. Now this is where things REALLY kick into gear. This song would probably be really long, as there's a LOT we'd have to cover. All of the state alchemists and major military characters are introduced/get a chance to shine in this song, and it would cover Ed and Al joining the military, Ed's exam and probably a couple of fight scenes. Starts off solemnly with Roy singing to Ed and then quickly kicks into gear- think somewhere between My Shot and Red and Black. Would have AWESOME choreography.

5. "We're Only Human"- Solo for Ed, with Roy, Riza and Al joining in briefly at the end. This would take place on the steps at the end of "An Alchemist's Anguish". Heartbreaking ballad along the lines of I Dreamed a Dream or Words Fail.

6. "Fixing Them"- Solo for Winry. This song is about how Winry sees it as her responsibility to not only fix Ed's automail, but to be the glue that holds him and Al together. Upbeat, but with some moments of emotional depth. Definite belting.

7. "Fixing Them Reprise"- Winry and Hughes. A short but very sweet duet based on the scene where Hughes comforts Winry at Elicia's birthday party.

8. "Typical"- Lust, Envy, Hughes. Villain song for these two Homunculi about the futility of the human race with a gut-wrenching ending in Hughes' murder.

10. "Rain"- Solo for Roy, briefly featuring Riza at the end. Takes place following Hughes' funeral. This is the song I've planned out in greatest detail: a dynamic and dramatic ballad in g-minor that starts slow and downcast with Roy feeling useless and lost; gradually building to a triumphant conclusion as he swears to avenge his friend's murder and become Furher of Amestris. Would probably end with a really long note.

11. "One is All, All is One" - Izumi, Ed, Al. Covers the boys' training with Izumi. Will get you pumped.

12. "Teacher"- Izumi, Ed, Al. Izumi tells Ed and Al her story. Super touching song where you get to see the depth of her caring for the Elrics.

13. "What Do We Do"- Winry, Ed Al. An incredibly feels-inducing counterpoint trio where our three young heroes react to Hughes' death. May contain elements of Rain, Fixing Them and Only Human.

14. Act One Finale- Roy, Ross, Ed, Al. Act One ends with Roy faking the death of Maria Ross. I don't have a super strong musical idea of it yet.

Will post Act 2 sometime tomorrow!

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