What FMA Characters Would Do In a Talent Show (warning: goofy)

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- Edward performs Tom Lerher's The Elements while standing stone still and completely terrified like the dorky teenager he his. He gets rapturous applause
- Alphonse does a heartbreakingly beautiful lyrical dance that makes everyone sob
- Roy plays piano because I said so. Specifically Prelude in C Sharp Minor by Rachmaninoff.
- Riza has clarinet player energy I will not elaborate
- Winry would probably (successfully) attempt to build some sort of automail contraption in under 4 minutes
- Hohenheim plays acoustic guitar and sings some hauntingly beautiful old folk song (no this definitely doesn't happen in the musical what do you mean)
- Scar does standup because May dared him to and his completely serious deadpan delivery gets the audience ROLLING
- Armstrong sings opera while lifting because he is that extra
- Envy sings some screamo song with a lot of swearing and gets disqualified
- Ling and Lan Fan do some ultra badass martial arts/gymnastic routine
- Likewise with Olivier but with swords
- May is the absolute queen of tumbling
- Izumi breaks things with her bare hands. The audience loves it
- Hughes does some super dorky freestyle rap about Gracia. Gracia loves it
- Kimblee does some violent Jackson Pollack-style painting and gets a little too... into it and is disqualified

Who do you guys think would win?

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