Her brown eyes turned sad for a brief moment before she shook her head and plastered on a cheery smile, but he'd caught it.

Even though it was hardly noticeable and had happened within a split second, he'd caught it and he felt his heart clench at the thought of her sad.

'What was wrong?' he wondered.

One after the other, people got off the elevator as it ascended the floors and soon only four passengers were left.

Not many people worked on the top floor. They were reserved for the Chief Officers.

The remaining two people highlighted on the second to the last floor, then it was just them.

Despite his obvious admiration, Will had never spoken a word to her. He was always reduced to a bumbling mess whenever she looked at him.

They were only quick shy glances but it was enough to send his heart in a frenzy. Will silently cleared his throat.

Thinking he meant she was too close Hope moved away a few steps.


"What?" William turned to her in response.

"What?" She looked back up at him, wide-eyed. He must have seemed like a frozen statue, staring into her honey eyes.

They held so much within them—her tenderness, her softness, her light.

He sucked in a breath thinking about all the responses her eyes alone brought in him.

Her eyes stared back at him curiously, innocently.


As if snapping out of a trance, they both blinked and Will could feel his cheeks heating up.

"Um, bye." she bidded as she stepped off the elevator into the top floor.

William ran a hand through his hair, exhaling.

Get a grip, will you!

Will stopped at the first desk and sat, and she entered through the double steel doors leading to the CEO's office.

Yes, he was the secretary and she was the CEO's P.A.

And they both worked on the same floor.

Tough cookie.


Will exhaled leaning back against the revolving chair, blue eyes closed. He was tired but finally, he'd gotten the job done.

His desk was empty, clear of any file. Today had been a busy day. Mondays always were.

The door leading to the CEO's office opened and he immediately sat straight, clearing his throat.

A man came in dressed to intimidate and impose. He exuded dominance and yet he had a calm to him, just like the calm before a storm.

Meet thirty-year-old Mr. Richard Bennett— son of the great businessman and founder of Monosoft, James Bennett—his boss and present CEO.

He was well known in the business for his stoicness and his zero tolerance for nonsense, just like his father, though a lot of people said he was worse.

Will noticed another presence behind him, an associate.

She was beautiful with brown hair and hazel eyes. He'd seen her there at the office many times and the meeting was never long, never more than ten minutes.

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