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They had arrived back in New York late in the night. It was a rough journey for Luna. She tried to pretend she was alright, but Harry could tell she was under an unbearable amount of pain. Getting off the plane was a challenge. It was the first time Harry had seen her struggle the most. Everyone around them looked at Luna as Harry helped her stand up from her stiff position. They stared as Luna cried until Harry felt the need to say, "what the hell are all you staring at?!" He realizes now that they were probably concerned and it wasn't very kind of him to yell at strangers, but it got them to exit the plane and mind their business.

He spent the night with Luna in her flat. It's now morning and he has an arm wrapped around her waist. She's cuddled up against him.

"Luna," he says the moment his eyes open. He lifts his head up to look over at the clock on her bedside table. Red squared numbers let him know it's a little past noon. They slept in and Harry feels like he's finally made up for his sleepless nights in England. "Wake up." He plants a kiss on her cheek.

He smiles when she hums underneath him. "No," she tells him.

"No?" He laughs as he tightens his hold around her. Just as he's about to nibble at her ear and kiss her neck, she winces in his arms. He quickly releases his hold around her. "Shit, did I hurt you?"

She grunts softly as she turns to lay on her back. "No, no... You're fine. It's just my hands. I moved them too quickly and it was a bit painful. I'm okay, though," she assures him. Luna then turns her head slowly to look into his eyes. "Good... afternoon."

"Oh." He slides his hand under her sweatshirt. His thumb caresses at her skin just by the curve of her waist. "Good afternoon... How are you feeling?" He smiles again when meeting her eyes.

She rests her hands down, setting them just below her chest. "Better," she tells him. "I don't feel as gross and I could breathe better. The antibiotics Dr. Wilson prescribed has helped with that."

"Good... Are you going to call to make an appointment with Dr. Brown today?" He asks.

She's rolling her wrists, stretching them slowly to make the ache go away. She then turns her body to him when she's able to. She leans closer and then she's kissing him.

He kisses her back, but it doesn't take him long to notice she's deflecting. "Luna," he mumbles against her kiss. He then pulls away. "Don't make me call for you," he only teases.

"Fine!" She playfully groans. "I just wanted to kiss you, is all. Way to kill the mood."

"We can kiss all you want after you make that appointment. You heard what Dr. Wilson said," he reminds Luna. He sits up and pushes the covers off of his body.

"Yeah, yeah... to see my doctor as soon as possible. I'm feeling better though. I'm telling you, I was just having a lupus flare-up." Luna smiles at Harry. She looks convinced about what she is saying.

Harry nods. He only hopes that's the case. "Make the appointment to be on the safe side," he says then smiles back.

"I will, Harry." Luna sits up on her own. She frowned only slightly and it seems as if she isn't in as much pain as before. She then reaches for her phone that she left charging on her nightstand. "I'll call right now, in fact."

Harry smiles. "Okay, I'm gonna go freshen up," he tells her as he gets out of bed. He picks up his t-shirt off the floor and puts it on. He yawns while making his way out of her bedroom to go into her bathroom.

He should probably get home soon to take a shower and see Levi. He missed his flatmate a lot. He should also be checking his emails. He knows Beth has sent him tons while he was on holiday. Before he does any of that, he just wants to have brunch with his girlfriend.

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