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Harry wakes up in the morning to Luna nudging him. He opens his eyes to find the familiar ceiling light above him. He then looks around and sees Luna. "I'm up," he mumbles and sits up slowly.

"Good... You said you had work in the morning. Also, the coast is clear. No one's home. Zavier must be out on his run." Luna tells him. She takes off Harry's white t-shirt that she slept in. She puts on a bra as her back is towards Harry.

"Oh, thanks... good morning." He yawns and reaches for the t-shirt. He takes off his cardigan to put his t-shirt on. He stands up and pulls up his jeans. He slept comfortably without them.

"Morning," she says back to him.

Harry glances over as she gets dressed. She's dressing in front of him and she doesn't seem to mind if he's looking. She throws on a tight and fitted sleeved top and tucks them into her even tighter jeans. It hugs her waist perfectly and she looks good.

Luna turns around and catches Harry's stare. She grins. "Don't you have to go home or something?" She raises a brow and hides her smirk.

Harry looks down before laughing. He slides his feet into his shoes as he holds onto his cardigan. "Mhm... I do, actually." He walks towards the door. "Call me when you need a friend." He walks out before Luna can say anything. As he's out, he's thankful the coast is clear like Luna had said.

He's thinking about last night as he rides down the lift. He's thinking about Kristen and her hair. Her hair was a bit shorter, he noticed. She had brown, almost reddish hair cut at the shoulders. He'd be lying if he said she didn't look good. She looked really good.

She's a cheater, Harry reminds himself again.


Harry gets by his day in the office. He now sits at the kitchen island next to Levi, eating dinner. It's their favorite thing to do together.

"You're eating it wrong!" Levi shouts.

"Dammit, there's no wrong way to eat pizza." Harry rolls his eyes at his flatmate and bites the crust of a full pizza slice, just to annoy him.

"In my city, there is a wrong way. The right way is... you fold it like this," Levi says as he demonstrates. He presses his finger against the middle of the crust to fold. The pizza is no longer floppy but pointed straight. Levi smiles. "And there! You eat it. Everything will fall off if you keep doing it your way." He takes a bite from his pizza and hummed from how delicious it was.

Harry decides to stop messing with Levi and eat the slice in his preferred New-York-style way.

"Perfect!" Levi says with a full mouth. "Anyway, you didn't come home last night. Where were you mister?"

Harry finishes chewing and then chuckles. "You'd think it's crazy... because it is. It's absolutely wild."

"What? What was wild?"

"So you know the girl you were talking to in the kitchen the other day?" Harry asks.

"The one you were kinda being an ass too, yeah!" Levi says, he's teasing as always.

Harry glares at him and takes another bite from his pizza. He chews but then continues to talk. "I spent the night at her place... Her place also happens to be Zavier's place."

Levi looks at him with wide eyes. "You mean your old place? She lives with your old best friend? Dude... what a small world."

"That's not the end of it."

"Of course it isn't," Levi says and listens.

"So Luna and I were... you know. Anyway, she leaves the bedroom and next thing you know my ex and Zavier's girlfriend are talking to her in the common area. They were pretty much trying to grill her if I'm honest."

"Shit! Not the ex..." Levi lets out a sigh. "Wait so you were in the bedroom, waiting to hump it out... did your ex know you were there?"

"Luna was wearing my t-shirt. It's a shirt I wore a lot. I'm sure Kristen noticed... and, um, Madison probably told her I had something going on with Luna. Hence, why they were grilling her," Harry explained. "I went out after hearing her voice."

Levi continues to listen.

"She's so... so hypocritical. She really thought I was sleeping with Luna as a way to make her jealous or something. She and Madison assume that I come over just so I could run into her or something." He scoffs and suddenly doesn't feel hungry anymore.

His flatmate is quiet, awfully too quiet.

"What? Why that look on your face?" Harry asks after examining Levi's facial expression. It was like he was afraid to say something.

"It hasn't been that long since... you and your ex parted. It's okay to want to run into her sometimes. I've been there." Levi offers him a smile.

Harry doesn't take it and frowns. "But I don't... Do you think I'm having sex with Luna just for the chance to run into my ex? What? No! I don't want to see her Levi. I don't-" He covers his face in defeat. It was stressful just to talk about Kristen.

"I'm not saying you're having sex with the girl just to see your ex, or whatever. I think you like the girl and the sex. If she wasn't Zavier's roommate, you might like it more. I'm just saying... you know where your ex likes to hang out. Luna happens to live there and there was an opportunity. A chance to see your ex." Levi takes a sip from his water and looks at Harry. "And you took it because you're still not over her."

Harry takes in what he says. He doesn't understand how Levi got to the conclusion that he's not over Kristen. He is a thousand percent over her. Isn't he? She cheated. He should be moved on from her. "I-" He can't speak. Maybe Levi is right. He takes a moment to think, before denying it again. "No... No, no, no. Are you insane?"

"Then what's going on with Luna?" Levi questions. "Because normally, or from what I have witnessed during our time together, you sleep with a girl and you never see them again. Not that there's something wrong with that, there isn't. But why not Luna? Are you guys dating? Or, are you holding onto her because she's the link between you and your past?" He has a sly smile as if he's onto something.

Harry stares at his flatmate in disbelief. "Don't do that," he tells him. "Don't counsel me like the hormonal teenagers you counsel at your job."

"Harry, c'mon... I think you need Counselor Taylor." Levi takes another bite at his pizza. "Okay, I could be wrong... but think about it. Maybe, you just need some closure with your ex. It's okay to want closure. It's okay to get it."

Harry sighs. He's not using Luna. He genuinely likes her, as a friend with plenty of benefits. Part of him is starting to believe Levi's idea of her ties with his past being the only thing bringing him to her. He shakes his head to dismiss the thought again. "Pizza was good," he changes the subject. He takes his final bite and eats quietly.

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