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It's the start of another workweek and Harry has to get started on his new piece. He has to mention the party and the fashion line, but it has to be positive. He's struggling. The fashion was awful and the party, well it could've been better. H thinks differently, though. He has to or Beth will be on his ass.

He approaches Beth's office first before heading to his cubicle. He knocks and walks in when Beth allows him to. "Um, I only have the pants and the tank... I'll bring the others soon." He lays his neatly bagged clothes on the sofa in her office. He didn't know how to get the clothes from Luna. He might have to reach Zavier since things with Luna aren't great.

"Oh, your date dropped it all off already! Joey at the front desk sent it up," she tells him She smiles as she lifts her eyes away from her computer screen.

He's surprised. Luna was at the building. He must've missed her... not that he cared. Right? He doesn't know. "Oh, well... that's good."

"So, I assume you guys saw yourself online. I might've submitted the photo to a fashion blogger." She smiles like she's done something great.

"Why would you do that?" He asks her.

"I'm thinking of hiring a new fashion blogger, what do you think? Don't get me wrong, I love David, but he's not attracting a lot of buzz for our website. This girl... she caused a lot of buzz. I mean people want to know what you're wearing!" She returns back to her computer, ready to show him this girl and her blog.

"But David's been with us for a long time... You can't just fire him because he's having trouble at the moment." He has his hands on his hips.

Beth stops what she's doing and looks at him again. "Sure I can... I'm not paying people to sit around and fail. How's that new piece coming along by the way?"

Her tone had turned serious and Harry notes it. He puts on a smile. "Good... Will you excuse me?" He walks out of her office and huffs out a breath. He makes his way to his cubicle and the interns are around it as if they're waiting for his arrival.

"Mr. Styles! Morning," Nolan says and hands him a cup of coffee. "How are you this morning?"

Harry takes the cup of coffee from Nolan then looks around. The other four nameless interns look at him. He should probably learn their names. "Uh, good... How are you guys?"

He receives a "good" in unison. "So, tells us about your new lady," Nolan then speaks up.

Harry sits down in his chair and begins to log into his computer. He looks up when he realizes they must've seen his picture with Luna. "Don't you guys have something to do? Go file stuff or something," he tells them to drive away from the topic.

"Oh, c'mon Mr. Styles... it's just between us!" Nolan smiles wide at him.

"Alright, there is no new lady. She was just a friend. Now, do you mind? I have a piece to work on."

They all exchange looks. He swears one of them is laughing at him for being pathetic. He feels pathetic again. "You heard the man," Nolan says to his work friends. "Scram."

Harry feels relieved when they leave. He leans forward in his chair as he starts a draft. He types his over-done opening line, 'How's it going, New York?' Then his page stays blank. Not again, he thinks to himself. More writer's block. He drinks his cup of coffee and tries to write.


All day. He struggled all day because he ended up daydreaming about the damn moon several times. Or, Luna. She was stuck in his head, living in his daydreams with him.

He clearly doesn't know this woman. She's a puzzle and the missing piece may be left in her hometown so he can't solve her. He may never get to. She made it clear to him that she no longer wants to do with him anymore. It sucks.

He makes it home, but his flatmate isn't home. He's probably out. He shrugs and heads to his bedroom to change out of his clothes. He puts on something more comfortable, like sweats and a t-shirt, then heads out to the kitchen. He's hungry. He doesn't know what to make. He doesn't really have the energy to cook. He takes the Chinese takeout menu from off the fridge. Maybe he should just order in and watch a silly little film. The Notebook is his favorite, after all.

Instead of using his free time to work on his piece, he turns on the TV, sits on the couch, and dials the number on the menu.

Alone time is always good...

the moon [h.s.] - EDITING Where stories live. Discover now