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They're hand in hand walking out of the 34th Street and Herald Square subway station after finding the strength to leave Harry's flat. It was hard. It was beyond hard for Harry and Luna to leave after a heavy make-out they shared, but they did. Now they're heading towards the Empire State Building and Harry couldn't be more excited for Luna to see the view.

"You're not going to get all cheesy on me now, are you?" She teases him and looks up at him.

"What do you mean like calling you babe or celebrating a monthiversary?" He grins and looks back at her.

"We are not celebrating a monthiversary!" She laughs.

Harry leads Luna to the entrance of the edifice tourist attraction on Fifth Avenue. He holds the door open for her and laughs. "But I get to call you babe?"

Luna bites her lip and tries to hold back her laugh. She steps inside and takes a quick look around. She sees the signs directing them towards the observatory entrance on the second floor. She looks at Harry and smiles when he leads the way. She steps onto an escalator with him. "As long as I get to call you baby," she then says. She nudges him as they stand side by side.

"Good. I like it when you do," he tells her. He smiles when they arrive on the second floor. Harry already purchased tickets online that allowed them to skip the line. He's holding onto his phone in one hand as he's still holding her hand with the other. He shows the tickets on his phone to the bouncer and they're let in.

She looks at the long line. Everyone stands to wait for tickets while they pass. She follows Harry and they arrive to a shorter line. "How high are we going to be?" She asks.

"We'll be standing on the 86th floor... You're not afraid of heights are you?"

She shakes her head. "No... Well, I've never stood on top of a building that high before. I mean, I don't mind a plane because I'm not really out in the open, you know? Does that make sense?"

Harry chuckles. "You'll be safe. Just focus on the view and we'll be alright, babe." He throws her a wink.

She smiles at him and nods. The line moves and they move with it. She smiles at the usher who directs them where to go. She stays by Harry's side and suddenly they're in front of the elevator doors with a few more people crowding behind them. She looks anxious.

Harry squeezes her hand as he watches the way she's looking at the doors. Once they open, he steps inside with her and they turn so their backs are against the wall. More people enter. He looks up at the ceiling of the elevator. He knows what's about to happen. He waits for the lights to go off and for the visuals to appear.

Luna doesn't know what he's looking up at, but she looks. She's about to ask why he's looking up, but then she finds out. The lights go off and a screen lights up above them. A voiceover is playing and she laughs from the comedic effect. The visuals above them are fascinating. It really feels like they're taking a lift up towards an open sky as the Empire State Building is being built around them. It's over in less than a minute and she's shocked to learn they arrived at the 86th floor so quickly.

He watched her the whole time. He smiled as she was looking at the small lift show above her and he remembers being just as entertained the first time he watched it. He kept smiling as he admired her and watched the lights from the visuals reflect all around her face. She's his girlfriend and he didn't think he would ever get to the place where he'd want this again.

"Woah," she says the moment they step out of the lift. She sees the mini-museum and lets go of his hand to look at everything. She wants to read the history of every single item they have displayed, but she moves on when people crowd around. She then spots the view from the window and smiles. She looks over at Harry.

"Wanna go out there?" He asks before leading her out onto the viewing deck.

She quickly nods and her arm locks with his. She follows him outside and the wind flows through. She's glad she has her hair tied up in that moment. She sees the view and she's amazed.

He sees it on her face. She's taken away by the view. He follows as she takes him closer to the fenced edge for a better look.

"Can you see your apartment from here?" She asks. She's still looking out.

"Uh, probably but all the buildings look the same!"

She laughs and her head rests against his shoulder. "This is beautiful," she says and then looks up at him. "I would've never been able to appreciate this if I had never left."

Harry looks back at Luna. "You deserve to see the world, Luna... but I think seeing all of New York is a good place to start, right?"

She smiles. She lets go of his arm to wrap her arms around his waist. "This is a perfect start," she tells him before she leans up to kiss him.

He cups her cheeks and he's kissing her back. They're sharing a kiss in what could probably be around a lot of people, but they don't care. Public or not, Harry could never say no to a kiss. It's always so perfect when he kisses her, even electrifying.

She's the first to pull back. She laughs then rests her head on his chest while she looks at the view again.

He holds her. He lets his chin rest on the top of her head as he's looking out at the view with her. "Can I take you a picture?" Harry then asks.

She lifts her head up to look at him. "Sure," she says. She lets go of her hold around him and steps back with her hands in the pockets of her coat. She's standing in front of the view as Harry has his phone out. She smiles for a picture.

"Alright, smile!"

She has a smile on his face waiting for Harry to snap the picture.

"Luna, I said smile!"

"I am!" She laughs. She tries to smile bigger and show her teeth, but it feels weird to her. She then shakes her head and laughs again. "That's enough! Did you get it?"

He nods and smiles wide. He's looking at the many pictures he took. Most of them are similar, but he already knows he won't bring himself to delete any of them. "Several and you look amazing!"

"It's your turn!" She walks towards him to switch places.

"How about we take one together instead?"


He looks around and sees a young girl who had already been looking at them. He smiles as he approaches her. "Would you mind taking our picture?"

The girl shyly nods and smiles back at him.

"Thanks," Harry says as he hands his phone to her. He backs up and wraps his arm around Luna's shoulder. "Smile big!" He reminds her then smiles wide for the picture. He hears Luna giggle beside him with her arm around his waist again.

"I took several," the girl says after snapping the photos. She steps forward to hand Harry his phone back.

"Thank you again! Have a goodnight," he tells the girl as he takes his phone. The girl walks off after giving them a wave goodbye. After she seemed to return back to her family, Harry looks down at the many photos. He smiles when he realizes it's some of their first photos together. He then looks at Luna who's smiling, too. He adores her smile.

Harry tucks his phone back into his pocket then reaches for her hand. "C'mon... There's more to see."

She intertwines their fingers together and holds onto his arm with her other hand. She smiles up at him again and he swears he feels the butterflies flutter their wings inside of him.

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