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Harry makes it to the end of his workweek. It's Friday and he doesn't feel inspired to write. Beth always encourages Harry to go out and try new things for finding inspiration. She also gets him invited to New York's hottest parties. Sometimes, he doesn't go. He used to go a lot, but with Kristen.

He has an invite to a high-fashion line debut party for Saturday night, but he's not really up for it. It doesn't matter though. Beth is having him go. According to her, a simple mention of the fashion line in his latest column will be worth a lot. She's very determined to have him go this time.

He spent the past few days to himself. He's been feeling confused and unsure of himself ever since what Levi had told him over dinner. He almost texted Luna a few times, but he never did. He also almost called Kristen, too. Luckily, he only called his mum. She always made him feel better, even if she was an ocean away.

'From Luna:

Hey! I think I need a friend.'

Harry reaches for his phone as it's faced flat down beside him. He leans back into the sofa in his living room and blinks a few times. Luna is texting him? She needs a friend and Harry feels relieved to read it. It's been a few days, he needs a friend too.

'To Luna:

Me too, but meet me at the bar. Now.'

Harry bites his bottom lip after replying to her text. He could have easily asked her to come over, but he was in the mood for a drink.

'From Luna:

See you there.'


Harry arrives at the bar first. He greets Jade and asks for a double shot of tequila. He wants a kick and tequila is the right drink for it.

He drinks it straight and waits for Luna. He makes a face from the drink then looks around. He doesn't see her yet. He asks Jade for another.

Shortly after his second double shot, Harry begins to feel the warmth in the palm of his hands. He ignores it.

"No fair. You started without me?" Luna drops into the stool beside him. She leans against the counter and rests her cheek against her hand.

"There you are," he says and smiles. He leans in and kisses her. He could feel Luna freeze for a bit before she lets him kiss her. His body turns to her and his hands find her waist. He finally pulls back when he feels a hand in his hair.

She's wearing a warm orange colored dress to match the fall season. It's too short for fall, but the color really goes well against her naturally tanned thighs. Luna brings her thighs together when Harry brushes his finger lightly up the side of it. "Here I am," she says.

"I'll meet you in the restroom?" He asks in a hushed tone by her ear. He pulls back to see her smirk.

She doesn't respond. She only nods and hops off the stool. She glances at his lips then turns. She walks towards the hallway.

Harry watches her walk. The length of her dress was only teasing him as it moved with every step she took. Finally, he gets off the stool to head towards the hallway where the restroom had been. He figures Luna has picked the private restroom. It's not meant for sex, but who knows. At least it's clean. When he twists the knob, he opens the door to find Luna standing there.

She smirks with her arms crossed against her chest. "I didn't peg you as the guy who likes sex in public," Luna says.

"There's a lot you don't know about me," he tells her and locks the door behind him. With a swift movement, Harry brings her body closer and kisses her.

the moon [h.s.] - EDITING Where stories live. Discover now