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They leave his flat after saying goodbye to a sleepy Levi. It's five in the morning and it's cold. Light snow has fallen on the streets of New York City and they stand by the curb waiting for the cab Harry called for.

"I'm scared," Luna admits. She's shivering from the cold and she hugs herself.

Harry looks at her. "What for?" He reaches out to bring her into his side.

"I'm scared to meet your mom and your sister," she looks back up at him. "I know they're lovely and I can't wait, but I'm also scared. What if I say something wrong? What if they just don't like me?"

"That's insane! They're going to love you," he assures. He rubs up and down her arm to keep her warm. The cab pulls up in front of them. "Here's a tip, compliment my mum's cat and she'll love you forever."

Luna smiles at him and nods from his reassurance. She then follows him as they step closer to the cab parked in front of them. The driver loads their luggage into the trunk as Luna is the first to slide into the backseat. "Cats are cute. That should be easy."

Harry laughs and nods. He reaches for her hand to hold. As the driver heads towards JFK international airport, he feels more and more excited as they get closer.


They have a long journey ahead of them. A seven-hour, nonstop, flight from New York to Manchester could get uncomfortable and tiring very quickly. He worries about Luna. She's happy at the moment, but he worries it could change in an instant.

They're only two hours in, a movie finished, and Luna's shifting in her seat. She takes off the earbud from her ear and looks at Harry. "That was a good movie," she says and smiles lightly. "I'm going to go to the restroom."

Harry nods, taking off his earbud as well. He closes his laptop where they had streamed a movie and he brings it close to his chest to give her the space to exit. Just as she stands up, Luna sucks in a breath as if she's in pain. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks her.

She quickly shakes her head. "Nothing... I'm okay," she says. She's squeezing herself past Harry's legs out of the cramped seats and then she's limping.

Harry looks down at her legs once she gets out of the aisle. "Luna," he calls for her, but she's already limping her way towards the restrooms. He isn't sure why she's limping. Maybe her knee is in pain from the cramped seats. He knew he should've gotten better tickets, but these were all that was left on such short notice during the holidays. He shoves his laptop away back into his bag. He slides it under the seat in front of him and he waits for Luna to return.

She comes back after a few minutes. She squeezes through Harry to get to her seat again. As she tries to sit, a whimper escapes her. She then bends down to reach for her purse under the seat in front of her, but she's struggling. She's definitely in pain.

"Here," Harry hands her the purse after leaning forward to get it. "What is it? Are you okay?"

She sighs. "Thanks," she mumbles and unzips her purse. She reaches in and brings out a bottle of pills. "My knee hurts... my wrist, too. Only a little. It's because I haven't moved in so long," she explains. She then hands Harry her bottle of ibuprofen. Sometimes, she struggles to open it. Whenever Harry is around, he opens it for her.

He twists the cap off and he pours the pill into her palm. He closes the bottle back up and watches her as she pops it into her mouth. She swallows it down with a sip of water. She drinks all the water from the small cup the flight attendant had given. Harry puts her pills back into her purse, zips it back up, and slides it under his compartment to let her have more legroom. "Give me your wrist," he then says.

Luna looks over at him and eventually lifts up her hand to let him hold it. She rests her head back as Harry's fingers rub at her wrist and all around. "We're halfway there, right?"

Harry rubs at her wrist with his black and blue painted fingernails. This reminds him of when he massaged her hand during their flight to Iowa. Back then he thought she slept in an uncomfortable position for her to have pain. Now he knows there was more to it. Harry works up to rub at her palm as he thinks to himself. "Five more hours or so... I'm sorry." He feels bad. He thinks they should've stayed in New York now. He doesn't want to see her in pain.

"What are you apologizing for? I know it's not because of this, right?" She takes her hand away from his to have her look at him. "Harry, I'm excited. I could get through five more hours. I might just sleep through the rest!" She gives him a smile.

Harry reaches out to tuck some of her hair behind her ear. He smiles back at her and nods slowly. "Okay... I just want you to feel comfortable, is all."

"To tell you the truth, I'm not," she says then laughs softly. "but who is on a seven-hour flight?"

Harry laughs, too. He takes a look around the plane and then meets her eyes again. "Let's try going to sleep then."

She nods and takes his hand to hold this time. "Okay, but kiss me first."

Harry grins and leans forward. He cups her cheek with his free hand as he pecks her lips once, then kisses her softly. "Get some sleep. I love you," he reminds. He kisses her once again then he lets his hand fall.

"I love you," she whispers as she lets her head rest against his shoulder.


It was raining the moment they arrived in Manchester. The last part of their travel involved a thirty-minute train ride to Holmes Chapel. His sister must be waiting for their arrival.

Luna's looking out the window. She can't appreciate his town's greenery because it's too dark and gloomy out. She hugs Harry's arm when arrival is announced throughout the train. "We're here," she whispers.

Harry laughs. "We're here... We made it." Harry kisses her cheek and smiles when the train has come to a stop. He's nervous. He's about to see his sister and then his mother at home. It's been a long time.

He leads Luna out of the train. He's holding her hand and he takes a quick look around.


His older sister waves. She holds a wet umbrella closed by her side. They're standing underneath a roof that blocks any incoming rain, keeping them dry. Harry is smiling wide as he and Luna approach her. He lets go of her hand for just a moment to wrap his arms around his look-alike. "Gems," he says her name while holding her tight.

His sister holds onto him just as tight. "It's nice to see you again, mum's-second-favorite," she says and laughs. She steps back with a wide smile and she finally looks over at Luna. "You must be Luna!"

"Yes! This is Luna, my girlfriend... Crap, let me get our baggage," Harry says. He hears Gemma greet Luna and Harry turns around, leaving them for just a minute, to pick up their luggage.

He turns in a ticket stub for baggage proof and he thanks the lovely man for returning their belongings. He rolls both luggage back towards his sister and Luna. He smiles when he hears laughter between the two.

"It's so nice to meet you, too! Wow, I'm sorry, you're just so pretty in person. I mean, I've seen pictures. Harry has shown me," she tells Gemma. She sounds nervous.

"Oh, stop! I wish I saw a picture of you to prepare myself. You're stunning! My mum seems to think so, too," Gemma tells her. She's holding her hand and Harry is smiling because of it. "Speaking of mum, are you guys ready? She's waiting for us!"

"I'm ready! I can't wait to see her," Harry says as he rolls both luggage.

"Great, follow me!" Gemma links her arm with Luna's and looks over at her. "You're sharing an umbrella with me." She smiles as she exits the station towards the lot after opening up the umbrella.

"Fine with me," Luna says and giggles as she stays by her side.

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