xxvi - unexpected visitor

Start from the beginning

He knelt down and grabbed my hands , "Aria, I didn't even want her. She didn't even want me either . It was just a game," he said sobbing into my robe .

"What the hell does that mean?"

"She was going to try to ruin your family," he finally said it.

"What?" I couldn't actually believe what he was saying .

"Your mother and her father...." he begins to spill everything.

"No no no no," I cover my ears , "she's not related to me. Hell no!"

"No, but your mother had an affair with her father . It ruined him . Her mother ran away and her father became a shell of a person . She found out about it later on and tracked you down . She became obsessed . She wanted to expose your mom but she made a deal with me to not completely ruin your life , if I indulged her."

The flames of anger rose inside of me . Brittany was the spawn of satan , I know it.  And , how could my mother do this to my dad, to us? Dylan tried to protect us but the way he did it was not the right way . So many emotions began to flood me and my hands began to shake .

"Dylan, I need you to leave."

"Aria , please!" He screamed.

"She told you to leave ," a deep and commanding voice ordered him , snapping me to attention . Warren .

"Who the hell are you?" Dylan asked as he got up off the floor.

"You're worse nightmare if you keep clinging onto Aria, now for the sake of both of you,  I suggest you leave before I call the police," he said again .

Dylan turned to me , "I'll be back and I will find my way to you again . We belong together Ar. Remember the fireflies?" And then he left .

The fireflies.

As soon as Dylan was out the door , Warren watched him . When everything was clear he closed it and I ran right into his arms . He cradled me while I cried into his shirt . In his embrace I felt safe and secure .

"I'm here, sorry I took so long, I had to wait for someone to let me in," he soothes while stroking my hair.

"It doesn't matter, you're here now," I sighed into him.

(I know Dylan isn't anybody's favorite right now but he definitely has a story and his had a lot to do with Aria. )

The summer was just beginning , the final weeks of school was approaching and I had one more assignment to complete before school ended. I knew of this place by the lake . Fireflies come out in the evening and it's a sight to be seen . I know that photographs won't be able to capture its beauty, but I'd try anyway .

As the sun was setting I could see some of those critters flitting about . Before long it was dark and everything was lit up , like magic . I remember coming to this area when I used to go to camp . I was always amazed by those beautiful creatures.

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