Chapter 18

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Jaxon POV
Damn! This past week had been fucking amazing! I'm pretty sure that we have been together for seven days straight, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Lavender is pregnant by now. I sat in the pack bar waiting for Rollo and the rest of the pack crew, sipping my beer and thinking of my perfect mate.
"We tracked them down". Said Rollo walking in.
"Well,who are they?". I asked.
"Just a group of bike enthusiasts, we took care it. Nothing a good threading and brawl couldn't handle". Rollo said with a chuckle.
"Alright. But send out a couple of trackers to keep an eye on them". I said. I just wanted to make sure their not up to anything. We continued to drink and talk about pack stuff. A few minutes later I felt my phone buzz.
Tim: Jax we got trouble
Jax: send it
Tim: the guys from earlier are back. They roughed up a couple of our pack members. Their part of the Bloodhound Pack. I've never heard of them. Have you?
Jax: No idea. Send the men to the healers. All Grey Stone on lockdown, send Cedar this information. We need to protect Moon Haven.
I quickly show Rollo the conversation and he goes on the immediate alert. Everyone is mind linked in and patrolling our territories.
The next morning Rollo and I meet up Cedar about this new threat.
"The Bloodhound pack is a relatively new pack that is based South of Zion territory. I talk to Bryce and he said they have given them issues in the past. Apparently trying to recruit wolves who are not linked to a pack". Said Cedar.
"We have quite a few wolves here that are solitary. They live peaceful and cause us no trouble. That's probably why their here, trying get any of them to join". I said.
"Do you think they know about Lav. I mean, having her means celestial strength". Said Rollo.
"I don't think so, but just in case she should probably stay in the pack house. All family members to be safe". I said.
"I'll move our mothers to my pack house". Cedar said in agreement.
"Let's keep patrolling at all times, we can't afford any more dangerous situations". I said. We all agreed that extra security and protection will be needed. Both packs including Zion was in agreement to keep the Northwest and Northeast territories safe from outsiders. I linked in with Lavender and explained everything. She was in complete agreement and said she wouldn't leave the confines of the pack house and lake studio.
It had been three months of dealing with the Bloodhounds. We kept our logging company going without a hitch, luckily most of the workers were human or solitary wolves that kept clear of pack business. We still ran illegal silver liquid and silver coated ammunition. The BHP, Bloodhound pack for short, would intercept our shipment or sell drugs on the outskirts of our territories. Our three packs were not about letting drugs corrupt our territories.
They would come after us and we would go after them. It's been like this for about three years now and so far our territorially issues have stayed minimal.
Today was Rollo's mating ceremony, yep, he found his mate. A sweet young woman by the name of Jade that was way too intelligent and pretty for him.
As I woke up, I slowly rolled over in my bed reaching for Lavender. She wasn't next me, I freaked out only for a second when I realized she was in the bathroom.
Lavender POV
Life had been pretty busy since I was Luna and I was in charge of much pack business dealings now. Recently I started using my status as a gift, I would teach young female wolves how to defend and fight while maintaining a womanly essence. I still danced to keep my mind at peace and body in shape. This morning I had to complete my dance session earlier than normal since I was helping with the set up for Rollo and Jade's mating ceremony, it's like a human wedding. Today however, I felt different I knew something was different, not necessarily wrong, just different. Hopefully this stick will answer my internal questions.
Jaxon POV
My beautiful mate finally came out the bathroom and curled up next to me in bed. Her hair was pulled up into a damp bun, I loved the smell of her scent when she was freshly showered, it was like her soap heighten her intoxicating smell.
"Jax". She said in her sweet voice.
"I don't want to get up I'm comfortable". I replied.
"No Jax.... I'm pregnant!" Said Lavender excitedly.
"Fuck yes!" I replied and kissed her on her beautiful perfect lips. I was over the moon with complete joy. I was passing down my Alpha genetics and I'm sure my child will be magnificent. I immediately call for a healer to come and check my Luna.
Lavender POV
"Congratulations Alpha and Luna, it looks like a healthy start to the pregnancy" said healer Jane.
"Wonderful!" Said Jax's mother Katherine.
"Were going to be a grandmother's". Said my mother Rose.
"Thank you". I said smiling.
"I'll mind link the pack. Tonight we celebrate Rollo, Jade, and our little one". Said Jax, as he left the room with the mothers, no doubt in my mind they'll planning more stuff for tonight. I then grabbed a pair of my black leggings and long fitted maroon shirts. I put on my black ankle boots and leather jacket. I just love October, the weather was cooler and Fall had begun. I made my down to the dining hall, I was starting to feel hungrier in the mornings now, but usually up chucked it within an hour.
"Good morning Luna, what may I get you this morning?" Asked my personal bodyguard Jessie.
"I'll just take a blueberry muffin and tea please". I said.
"Yes Luna, coming right up". He replied.
I sat down at my table and opened the newspaper. Nothing too exciting happening in town just the normal night club promotions and so on.
"Hello prego!" Said Jade in happy mood.
"Hello Mrs. Stonewall". I said back.
"Oh... I like the sound of that Mrs. Stonewall". She said winking. We both chuckled and greeted each other with a hug.
"I happy your here, it's kind of boring at breakfast now that you've been in ceremony mode". I said.
"I know! I told Rollo I need me lady time, it's been our thing and I miss talking shit with you". Said Jade. Over the past six months we had grown close. Between Jade, Hazel, and myself the three of us have clicked together as a powerhouse. No one trait messes with the Alpha's or Beta's mates if they know what's good for them.
"Hey um, Hazel and I were thinking of going to the Lake Center and doing some shopping for tonight." Jade said.
"That sounds good, I need a break from pack house duty". I replied.
"Awesome, I'll call the car around". Said Jade.
Ever since the River Pack incident a few years ago Jax made sure I always had a bodyguard with me now. Jessie was a good friend and loyal pack soldier to the Grey Stone. He spent many years by Jax an Rollo's side protecting our pack. When Jax asked him to be the Luna's bodyguard he said it would be an honor, not to mention all the perks that come with it. He was always serious and I very much appreciated that. He was around 6 foot tall, had dark brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin tone, and was clean cut unlike the rest of the Grey Stone pack wolves. He said that he didn't get the beard growing gene, but I think he just liked to be shaven. We reached the downtown shopping district Lake Center.
"Where to first Jade?" I asked her as we exited the black SUV.
"Hazel text me she needed coffee first, she's at Jitters". Replied Jade. We start walking towards the coffee shop and noticed that it is very busy.
"What is with all the people today". I asked.
"I don't know, do you?" Said Hazel looking at Jessie.
"I'm not sure ma'am, but if I had to guess, most likely the end of hunting season". Jessie said looking around with caution. As we walk into Jitters we notice Hazel waiting at the counter and walk over.
"I'm so happy you're here, I felt lame waiting by myself". Hazel said as we greeted each other with a hug. Our drinks finally were ready and we thanked her for ordering them. As walked to the first dress shop, Jessie and Hazel's bodyguard Mike followed us.
"I'm thinking of wearing a fitted dress tonight, I figured I'll only be able to pull it off now before I blimp up." I said snickering at the thought of my future baby belly.
"That's a good idea, besides even with a baby bump I'm sure Jaxon will still tear that ass up!" Said Jade laughing.
"Damn straight! He better". Said Hazel. We
continued well into the afternoon shopping, stopping for Japanese themed frozen yogurt and talking about nonsense. We looked at the time and realized it was already 4 o'clock. We had to hurry home, get ourselves ready for the mating ceremony of Rollo and Jade.

Lavender WolfOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant