Chapter 17

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Lavender POV
It was now September and the Grey Stone NightShade pack was thriving in the Northwestern territories. We had Moon Haven once again a save place to live and our packs territories were not messed with. Cedar and Jax have been in complete control an we were even thinking about starting a little family.
I walked outside and towards my car, I was meeting Hazel for lunch in town. I mind linked to Jax and told him where I was going. Now that all the silver was out of my system I was able to communicate with my mate. I got to the restaurant which was a cute cafe called Moon Tower.
"Hey pretty lady!" Said Hazel standing up giving me a hug.
"Hey chick". I replied. We sat down at a corner table that faced the entire cafe We were both Luna's now and we had to sit at the vip area.
"Good afternoon Luna's, what may I get you today". Said the waiter.
"Chef's special please". Said Hazel.
"I'll have the same". I said.
"Yes my Luna's". Said the waiter with a nod before he walked away.
"I don't think I could every get used to people calling me Luna". Said Hazel.
"Yeah, it's a little weird".
We sat and talked for about an hour. It was so nice having girl time.
"Hello ladies". Said an unfamiliar person.
"Can we help you?" said Hazel looking annoyed.
"I'm just admiring your beauty, and was wondering if you tell me where my crew and I could buy a drink tonight". He asked.
"That's very nice of you, but no thank you". I said.
"Yes, no thank you". Said Hazel.
"Alright, hopefully I'll see you again sometime". He said and walked back to his table.
We finally finished up and said our goodbyes. As I was walking to my car I saw the guy who talked to us with a group of what seemed like his pack sitting on their racing bikes in front of Redd's. I got into my car and drove home, I noticed one them was following me and when I drove into Grey Stone territory the biker turned around. I thought this was weird, what the hell was that about. I decided to tell Jax in the hope that he may know who they are.
"Jax I need to talk to you". I said walking into his office.
"Hey babe". He replied.
"I was followed by some guy on a racing bike, he turned around when I past into our pack territory". I said in a serious tone.
"Did you get a good look at him?"
"Not really but I remember what one of them looks like. He came to our table at lunch asking to buy us a drink". I said. Jax then motioned to one of the pack members who were standing by the door.
"Call Cedar and make sure Hazel got home safe. Send out six wolves to scout them out, see who they are and what their doing in Moon Haven". He told the wolf.
"Yes Alpha". The wolf guard and he said quickly left.
"To be on the safe side I'm ordering all Grey Stone wolves to stay home and if they need something to get it from the pack house". Jax said.
"Do you think their threatening?". I asked him.
"Not yet darlin' but I'm not taking any chances that they are".
"I can protect the pack". I said
"I know, but if you release your wolf. She will tear through them all. We need to find out who they are first".
"Fine". I said a little pouty.
"I love how extremely ferociously sexy you can be". He said standing up from behind his desk and walking towards me.
"Do you now". I said, letting my eyes glow bright purple. Jax then locked his office door, picked me up me and we fell onto the couch. We began to kiss each other with full force. His fingers transformed into claws and he ripped my shirt and bra off. He then grabbed my left breast and started sucking on my nipple. He then move to the side of my nipple and lightly scraped his teeth down my side and kissed my hip bone. He then pulled my pants off and began kissing on my clitoris. His fingers then slid inside of me, pumping in and out as he was stimulating the rest with his tongue. I was clinching my hands into the couch cushions. Every part of my body felt a shock wave of electricity come over me and I just melted onto his fingers. He then pulled my hips into his waist and he unzipped his pants, damn his dick was big. Without hesitation he pushed himself inside of me and I instantly flooded him with my juices. He began to grind inside of me, moving with a motion to please. I tried to keep myself from making noise but then he whispered "be as loud as you want, l love it when you moan". The sound of his voice made an erotic aggression rise up in me and I flipped myself on top. My hips danced on his causing him to grip his hands onto my ass. He then pulled me to his face and we started kissing. Next, he moved from out under me and turned me around so he was entering me from behind. He then leaned over and kissed my marking spot. I then whispered "mark me". He then pulled my hair out of the way and bit into the marking spot. I grabbed tightly around his forearms and he released his warmth inside of me. We were still for about a minute breathing each other in. It had been a long while since we were intimate and this certainly made up for that. We then cleaned ourselves up in the office bathroom and straightened up the couch. I made sure to open the windows and spray air freshener. The last thing I wanted was to have a pack member pick up on our mating scents when they walked in. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, he then kissed my forehead and we walked out towards the pack bar.

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