Chapter 4

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Jaxon POV
"Hey guy's just go without me. I'm actually pretty tired from the day." I lied. I just didn't feel like going out tonight.
"Fine... more ladies for us". Retorted Rollo.
"Hey let's use my parents driver. This way we can get extra frothy". Said Cedar.
As I started walking back to the front door, I felt it. A rush, a boiling hot sensation filling my entire body, I could feel myself wanted to mate. My heart started pounding, my wolf howling and itching to get out. It's the same feeling I had right before dinner. The feeling of wanting to rip off a woman's clothing with my teeth and slipping myself inside of her. The only thing that is confusing about all this is that I told these wolfly urges don't happen this strong unless your mate is near. An from what I gather I am the only one out here. Since I wasn't going out tonight, I figured why not wolf out for a run.
My paws sunk into the cold damp ground as I ran through the woods. Feeling the cold night air breeze past my face and through my fur. I've must have ran over ten miles when I finally decided to turn around go to the lake by the house for a quick drink before crashing out for the night. As I was about to drink, it started to lightly snow. I went to take in a deep breath of fresh falling snow, but instead the most intoxicating flowery citrus scent. I thought it strange especially since the flowers have long since died due to winter creeping in. Taking in another deep breath I recognized it, lavender with a hint of lemon. Oh my fucking god! That is the most amazing scent and there something else too.... it's a she-wolfs pheromones and holy fuck was my wolf going insane.
I look up and across the lake sitting on the boat dock is most beautiful wolf I've ever seen. She is much larger than most female wolves in wolf form, she's a dominant, which makes her probably very dangerous if I get too close. Damn... would you just look at that wolf I thought, her coat is the most unique color of white pearl with a lavender shimmer when the moonlight shines on it. I quickly move around the lake side to get a closer look while making sure to be a cautious as I can. As I lay low behind the boat house. Her eyes, bright purple with a silver shine to them. A purple haze radiating around her, I've never seen eyes like this. Unless..... there has only been one other wolf in werewolf history that I know of with purple eyes. More of a folk tale really, she was supposedly the moon goddess and referred to as The Great Luna. She fell in love with a rogue wolf and mated with him. He then became the Great Alpha of the Nightshade pack. Supposedly the true descendant of them will possess great abilities beyond any wolf.
Just then as I left my train of thought she was gone. I then stood up in my human form and made my way back to the pack house.
As I walked through the halls almost reaching my bedroom door it hit me. The mating haze!
Just then one of the guest bedrooms next to mine opened and there standing in the doorway was Lavender Nightshade. I've never really paid much attention to her before. I looked at her there they were..... the purple eyes.
Lavender POV
My heart was pounding out of my fucking chest! I needed ice water to cool down , as I opened the bedroom door, there stood Jaxon. Our eyes locked into each for the first time and the world around us went silent an it was at if the universe collided. Next thing I know his arm was wrapped around my waist and we never lost eye contact. My wolf began to purr with delight, our MATE! An without warning he picked me by my thighs wrapping them around his waist. He carried me into his room locking the door behind him and laying us both onto his bed....
"Mine... my mate!" Jaxon said in a low growl. He then proceeded to rip off my dress with one tear. An then began the most intense passionate kiss I've ever experienced in my life, I felt my core starting to heat up. His lips moving to my neck and making their way down to my breast. Slowly nipping at my nipples and down to my hips. My inner thighs were beginning to tremble with anticipation. Just then a knock was at the door.
"Go away!" He yelled with a growl.
"Jaxon it's Sasha". Said the voice.
"Wait for me in the sitting room, I'll be a minute." He replied.
An just like that we both snapped out of our mating haze and looked at each. His emerald green eyes looking at my naked body and then moving to face...
"Your eyes are purple?!" He said with a sexy smile.
"Yes.... is that bad?" I asked.
"No... you're beautifully perfect". As he leaned in and kissed my neck.
"Look... um... I think we should cool off. An you have someone waiting". I said, as I began to move myself up from under him and put his shirt on since he ripped my dress.
"I found you... your mine". He responded with a low growl.
"We can continue this later. Besides Cedar took the car out so we're staying the night". I said with a red faced smile and walked out the room.
As I walked into the guest room I laid down on the king size bed and just looked at the ceiling in disbelief. My wolf was starting to feel a little disappointed that we didn't complete the mating process. In my mind I responded to her, "Relax girl... and by the way, I'm not letting you take over again. We almost got ourselves pregnant". Talking to ourselves or our wolf was something that we all do. We share a mind, but our wolves act more animalistic. This why our human side or domesticated side if you will was usually in charge, I then started to doze off thinking how the awkwardness was going to play out when I see Jaxon again.
Jaxon POV
"Wow! What the fuck just happened!" I said out loud to myself.
"Mate...." my wolf whines, wanting to go back to her and just burry our face into every inch of her perfect body. But, we need to go talk to Sasha.
Thinking to myself. We need to process this, I mean seriously... I never expected to find my mate tonight. An just to add more confusion she's a Nightshade. Not just any Nightshade but Lavender. I remember as a youngling my parents mentioning it. That a she-wolf was born with the markings of the moon goddess, but I never paid much attention to it.
"Jaxon you look lost in deep thought". Said Sasha.
Snapping out of it running my fingers through my hair. "Hey Sasha, what are you doing here so late?" I asked.
"Well... I came to see you silly. Your bother said you stayed home and I just thought I would come keep you warm". She said with a wink.
"Sasha it's not a good time, I'm pretty tired". I lied, I just wanted to go see Lavender.
"Well... you've been back since this morning and didn't even stop by to see your ex-girlfriend who you supposedly wanted to get back with according to our last conversation". She said crossing her arms.
Crap! I thought to myself. "Sorry... I had pack obligations".
" Yeah, I bumped into Rollo at the bar and he said you had to have dinner with the Nightshade's". She said with an attitude.
"It's just a formality and usually I don't have to attend, but this time Alpha's orders. Besides, if I'm going to be taking over as Alpha of the Grey-Stone, I need to show face".
"Alright then. I guess we don't want tension between the the two packs before the treaty ball. Anyways, you and Cedar are on good terms now."
"Yeah.... we can talk more tomorrow, I'll meet you at Redd's".
"Of course... hopefully about us". She said as she was walking towards the door.
Just before I could open the door to let Sasha out. Two very drunk werewolves came stumbling in.
"Awe... what a guy opening the door for pretty ole me!" Said Rollo in a drunken state.
"Hey look, It's Sasha!" Said Cedar in a drunken state as well.
"Umm... hi, I'm leaving." Sasha said in a snobby manner.
"Bye". All three of them replied.
"What a peach that one!" Said Rollo.
Cedar and Rollo both start laughing as they walked into the pack house.
"Please tell me your not getting back together". Said Rollo as he sat down on the couch.
"No, not this time. I'm going to let her know tomorrow". I Said with a straight face.
"Oh... look at that! He's serious." Said Cedar with giant grin on his face.
"I fucking hope so. I'm sorry Jax, but I never really liked her. She's just another typical she-wolf that is thirsty for Alpha dick!" Said Rollo laughing.
"Aren't most of them at this point? I mean their all trying to get a chance to see if their our mates now that we're going to be taking over soon." Said Cedar.
"I know. It's fucking annoying, I couldn't even get a workout in without being surrounded". I said with an eye roll.
"Oh you like it, don't even lie". Said Cedar.
"Maybe a little". I said jokingly.
"Well... if she's out there. She better not be part of the social groups. Cause once you're mated Jax all hell will break loose. Especially since Sasha is queen bitch... I mean bee". Said Rollo.
"Very true. Anyways, I'm going to go pass out". I said as I started walking away towards the stars.
"Night!" Said Rollo.
"See you in the morning". Said Cedar.

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