Chapter 1

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Early morning mist began to evaporate from the newly frozen ground. It lightly snowed last night now that the end of autumn is approaching. The forest is slowly becoming completely covered with white and the smell of winter is soon. Sitting quietly alone at a breakfast table made for ten, is a young woman with long wavy honey brown hair, an olive skin tone and purple colored eyes.

Lavender POV
"Welcome to Moon Haven! Where wolfing out in this town is all the RAGE!" read the ridiculously cheesy slogan on the front page of the town newspaper.
It's that time of year again *sigh, The Treaty Galleria. It has been nearly 50 years since the Nightshade and Grey Stone werewolf packs signed the peace treaty keeping war between the packs at bay. Both packs laid claim to Moon Haven territory and an all out war broke out and too many wolves died. Then, to help prevent further bloodshed a peace agreement was agreed upon.
However, both packs were still responsible for the overall well-being of the wolf community within Moon Haven and territorial security runs which keep other packs from messing with us. This was something all pack members took serious.
The packs couldn't be more opposite from each other. The Nightshade's were considered as elite high society within the entire wolfing world, an ridiculously wealthy from making their money through Real estate since the turn of the century. Their Luna, carried the bloodline of the Moon goddess, which meant that her and her heirs wolf coats and abilities were extremely rare. The Grey Stone pack was quite different. They were outlaw types like most rouge packs and were feared by many. They ran one of the biggest lumber yards in the country and dealt in illegal trading as well. They rode motorcycles an wore those signature vests that sported their packs logo, or a cut for short.
Now to the present, together the two packs run Moon Haven. This year marks the 50th year between the two packs and that means there is going to be extra elaborate celebrations happening all over. Especially, since the sons of both packs Alpha's are starting to come into leadership roles.
Most of the people around this time are involved in the preparations and anticipation of it all. As for me, I just want to spend that time in my den house or at the ballet studio with my friend's rehearsing for the ball. I'm really not into formal wear or being forced to make conversation with some male wolf tool. Being part of the entertainment background is how I've always got out of being asked to go.
An who am I? well that's not a complicated answer, I am the first born daughter and number two out of three children to our packs Alpha, Apollo of the Nightshade pack. We are considered the most fearsome and skillful warriors throughout werewolf history. An because of this, all males in the pack are required to be trained in the art of combat fighting from the moment they are born and pride themselves on their well groomed good looks and strength. However, females of the Nightshade pack have the reputation for being stuck up spoiled socialite she-wolf's. That's why I distance myself from most of the other packs females.
Which brings me to now ...
"Good morning Lavender! I'm glade you decided to stop by the pack house for breakfast. I miss seeing your face", said my father cheerfully, which was weird.
"Morning father. I'm out of food and need to go shopping", as I glanced at him and continued to read the paper.
"Do you know why today is a good day Lavender?"
"No, please enlighten me with your wisdom".
"Your brother should be arriving home today..... Also, since our family throws the Ball every year and usually your dancing. I am requesting that my entire family attending. This year marks the 50th anniversary and both pack houses are attending". He said in a serious militant manner.
"Don't the Grey-Stones usually send a few representatives from their pack. I mean... a ball isn't really their style father". I replied.
"Don't worry about it. Besides we have to show camaraderie between the packs."
"And we will help you find an outfit!" said my sister Sage as she walked in the kitchen all giddy.
"Very well.....I'm off to meetings with your mother and the rest of the leaders", said my father as he kissed us both on the forehead before he left.
Turning my attention to Sage who is about 5 feet 7 inches tall with auburn hair, olive skin, and silver colored eyes. Just knowing how much she is involved in the high social groups within our pack. I was certainly reluctant to ask her who the "we" part was in her statement.
"Look, I know you like... don't like all this girly gown ball stuff. But.... father said we all have to be on our best behavior. An the Grey Stone's Alpha's sons are like returning home!" Sage exclaimed in her wonderfully perky manner.
"OMG! Really!" I responded in my typical sarcastic fashion.
"Be nice to me Lavender!" Sage retorted. "Besides it's about time we finally have a little fun together, your always so serious like father and you log more combat training than all us females combined." She said starting at me.
"I don't just train. I have my version fun, I dance six days out of the week". I replied.
"Oh right... cause like six hours a day of ballet is some form of a social life". Said Sage rolling her eyes.
"Whatever... I'm obviously obligated to go, when do want to go dress shopping".
"You don't worry about that, mother and I are already taking of it. Just.. like..make sure your not a total bore at this thing. Especially if I have to hangout with you the whole time". Sage said walking out flipping her hair.
I love my sister to death but she can be so annoying. I'm happy I don't live in the pack house anymore and my father granted me my own place, even if it was close by. I then proceeded to clean up the kitchen table, change into workout clothes and headed out to my car and to the training facility where the dance studio was located in. Thank goodness for combat training and ballet, they always helped with keeping my mind clear and focused.

Lavender WolfWhere stories live. Discover now