Chapter 3

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Lavender POV
As the car drives up the long winding road surrounded by a dense forest then, towards an open field where the Grey Stone pack house, I thought about how bored I will be. I know Sage will have a wonderful time due to the simple fact that she is friends with the Alpha's niece. Cedar will be busy with the Alpha's sons an all their male shenanigans. So, that just leaves me to sit with my mother as she discusses whatever with the Luna Katherine. Katherine is mated to Alpha John and together they run the Grey Stone Pack.
We finally pull up to the pack house. It's a beautiful modern day lodge house. You wouldn't expect this type of pack house for biker wolves, but they were very well off. As we walked in, we're greeted by the caretakers of the house and then escorted to the sitting room. Before I could even get a good look around I saw him. The Alpha John, standing six foot two inches tall with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes and fair colored skin. A most intimidating man with a permanent vicious scowl on his face most of the time. Next to him stood the Luna, she was about five foot six inches tall, she had blonde shoulder length hair, emerald colored eyes and a fair skin tone.
"Welcome Alpha Apollo!" said the Alpha John a in deep loud voice holding up a beer.
"Thank you for the invitation Alpha John". Stated my father.
Then gesturing towards us, "these are my younglings, my son Cedar (27) you've already meet, my daughter's Lavender (24), and Sage (21)". My father says proudly.
"I knew you and Rose had daughter's, but you never mentioned one of them carried the moon goddess trait....He said with a tone of interest and then continued, My sons should be joining us shortly, they have been attending pack business since this morning". He said.
As we started to make our way into the dining hall, my brother Cedar stood cautiously close behind Sage and I. However, the dining hall is fabulously decorated with fresh flowers, artwork of nature throughout and perfect lighting. When we got closer to the long rectangular shaped table that could probably seat around fifteen to maybe twenty five people easy, we see individual name tags placed at each seat. As we stand behind our respective place settings the Alpha John gives the signal to take a seat. Next, the caretakers fill our water glasses and ask if there is any other beverage we would like. I politely say no, but of course Cedar who is sitting to my right orders a beer and Sage who is to my left asked for strawberry lemonade. Looking directly across the table from our seats I notice three empty chairs. Then moving my attention to the right, sat the Alpha John at the head of the table and the Luna to his right. My father sat to his left followed by mother, Cedar, myself, and Sage. Just as the rest of the drinks arrived, in walks Lacey, the Alpha John's niece. She is about five foot four inches tall with blonde hair, blue eyes and like most werewolves, in incredible shape. As she walked by Alpha John she looked at him with a smile and leaned in to greet him with a hug and kiss on the cheek as did he in return an so did the Luna. She made her way down to her seat which was directly across from Sage and they began to chatter like school girls. I just sat silently listening to their nonsense trying not to get bored.
A few minutes later I felt it, a mating haze. A painful hunger feeling that rumbled within my stomach. It was heating up my body like a furnace, I could feel my wolf inside begin to pant and her whining was uncontrollable almost. I could feel my inner thigh area heating up and becoming damp with my wetness. In all my life I have never felt like this! I had the compulsion to rip off all my clothes and give into my primal sexual nature.
"What is wrong with you Lavender", whispered Cedar.
"Wh...what?" I responded stumbling out of thought.
"Your face is red and your sweating like you just ran the obstacle course".
"I don't know... I think I might be getting sick". I said hiding my inner thoughts.
"Well get it together girl. Sip on your ice water, do need to see a doctor?". He said with concern.
"I'm ok.... just feeling.... sick". As I responded through my clenched teeth.
I grabbed my ice water and drank it all down. It seemed to help calm me down and my wolf stopped whining, except she was still was anxious about something. I decided I would just stay quiet and get through this damn thing so I could leave before I end up running naked through their pack house.
The food finally made its way onto the table when in comes walking two male werewolves who greet their Alpha and Luna in the same manner as Lacey. As they make their way to their seats I noticed one of the them right away. He was easily the most handsome wolf I've ever laid eyes on. He had scruffy sandy blonde hair that seemed to lay perfect atop is head and a beard to match. His eyes were a piercing emerald green and his skin tone was fair, but you could see he had somewhat of a tan from the summer. His body was incredibly fit, a beautiful specimen I may add. Standing 6 foot 3 inches tall with a large muscular build that could make any girl fall weak at the knees and just melt into her own puddle of juice. He took a seat beside the Luna and across from Cedar giving him a friendly nod. The other male wolf took the next open seat which was directly across from me. He too was very good looking, standing at 6 foot 1 inches tall with a muscular build and fair skin. He had light brown blondish hair and darker green eyes.
"Everyone these are our two very.....late sons. Jaxon (26) and Rollo (23)". Said Luna Katherine with a hint of annoyance.
"Sorry mother". They both said in unison.
After which, everyone went back their dinner and side conversations.
"Thanks for leaving us to the she wolves Cedar!" Said the incredibly handsome man sitting across from him jokingly.
"Sorry Jaxon. I saw my little sister and I'd rather not deal with all the thirsty she wolves". He retorted back with a wink.
"Well.... I would have joined you but Rollo was enjoying the attention and I had to make sure he didn't try to over step with mated females whom seem to forget their even mated", as he rolled his eyes and nudged his brother.
"Hey! Come on now, I'm 23 and it's not like I'm mated". Said Rollo with a smirk.
"Well... neither are me and Cedar and we managed to not screw the first set of wet wolves that walk by". Said Jaxon laughing.
"Look! If their throwing out their pheromones towards me, I'm feeding their hunger. Besides, who am I to say no to my pack responsibilities". Replied Rollo with a wink.
"Your a dirty fuck dude". Chuckles Cedar.
As dinner wrapped up we were all dismissed and my parents, Alpha John and his Luna made their way down the hall into the pack house bar. Sage and Lacey took it among themselves to go up to Lacey's room and from what I gather gossip about whatever. Cedar, Jaxon, and Rollo decided they were heading out to the popular local bar Redd's to meet up with friends. Which left me alone. So, I decided to let my wolf out and go for a run. An Alpha's grounds were the safe to explore. So, I sent a text to my mother letting her know I was leaving to the woods for a night run.

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