Chapter 12

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Lavender POV
I had to get alway, to think, to decide, or just run away and live as a lone wolf. I left the pack house in a rush, pushing my way through anyone who tried to talk to me. I then wolfed out and ran towards the woods. From what seemed likes forever I finally ran all my frustrations out and just fell. Breathing heavily I began to look around figure out where I was. This was not not NightShade woods anymore, I kept walking staying in wolf form. I then came to a small clearing, a sweet smell of honeysuckle and fresh air suddenly took over my senses. A small brook was running along the clearing so I quickly walked over and began to drink.
"Are we lost little my wolf." Said a voice. I immediately stopped and looked up with a feeling of calmness. She was beautiful, I've never seen a woman who looked like her. She had long silver white hair down to her knees. He eyes were that of the galaxy, she was tall, her skin was the color of a pearl and frail looking but seemed to have as if she had incredible strength.
"No". I said in a low growl.
"Don't be afraid young Luna, you are safe here". She said in a peaceful serene voice.
"You can understand me?"
"Of course, I understand all my children of the moon".
"Wh... what!" I began to feel uneasy.
"I am Selene, the goddess of the moon. Please do not be frightened. I guided you here to help you".
"Okay....." I said, then thinking how the hell do I run from this crazy forest lady.
"I'm not crazy or am I a forest lady. You are my direct descendant Lavender, there's a reason your eyes glow violet".
"I'm listening". I replied.
"You have found your mate. I am pleased, but you have not mind linked to him. Which means you haven't been clammed or your not letting it".
"He's marked me?" I said with a hint of confusion.
"Yes, but you haven't fully excepted his wolf. You have not marked him, you hold the dominant trait. I know you were taught different that male wolves complete this, but to be fully mated, a moon goddess must mark her mate".
"I'm a moon...."
"Yes, an when you complete your marking of your mate, your full wolf powers will be".
"What does that even mean?"
"There's a war starting and you carry a precious gift. A gift that can change the course of your life and those who are important to you".
"I was told I would have unmeasurable strength or something".
"Yes, you do. But be warned, you have the ability create and heal. Yet, you can destroy an entire pack with an inner rage that cannot be matched".
"Yes... my mother Luna".
"I will let you go....for now. Just remember, you are responsible to choose your mate wisely".
Waking up in the middle of the field I felt the morning sun raising and my fur stand up on end as I stretched out. Holy Hell! I'm still here in the woods. I began running as fast as I could home. What kind of crazy ass dream did I just have and I hope Jax hasn't sent out a search party for me.
I jump over my wall surrounding my house and run towards my back door. I look up and I see Jax standing there, shirtless and in jeans. I transform back into my human form, naked mind you and Jax picks me up bridal style not saying a word an carry's me up to the bedroom. He then lays me on my bed kisses me like he never thought he would ever see me again.
"Where the hell did you go?" He asked looking worried.
"I'm sorry Jax. I just ran from my pack house after the meeting and I feel asleep..." I said, as I thought about my dream.
"Your family was looking for you. They even called me. Darlin' things are not good and right now..."
"I'm a moon goddess!" I interrupted him.
"Is that what you call this new sexy look?" He said looking at me strangely. I looked over to the mirror.
"What the fuck!" I yelled. My hair was no longer honey brown, it was snowy white with a ultraviolet shimmer to it. My skin had a shimmery silver to it, like someone rubbed makeup all over me. My eyes eyes were now electrifyingly purplish blue.
"It's ok! Everything will be fine."
"Fine! I'm not just a regular wolf Jax! We're not technically mated until I mark you! I'm... I'm..." and before I could get another word out. Jax grabs my face and kisses me.
"You're mine. Your fucking mine and I will let you do whatever the fuck it is that you need to do just as long as your mine". He said staring me in the eyes.
"Okay..." I calmed down and suddenly realized I was still naked. I wrapped my arms around Jax and I felt his heat beat. I wanted so bad to feel it inside me. When wolves were truly mated they shared a soul, they could feel their mates heart beat inside them. I looked up at him.
"It's time". I said.
"What?" He looked at me confused.
"I want to be completely connected to you".
"Lav. I can't ask you to give up your pack for me".
"I have a gift. I know it scares everyone and I can only control it if I have my mate. You had me the moment I saw you standing in front of your bedroom door".
"I know, so did you. I can protect you better if you're in my pack house".
"I'll be fine here for now. I need to see my family. But first, I need to shower". I said as I gently kissed his cheek.
"Well, I think I should help you shower". He said. An just as if we had all the time in the world I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him. He then pinned me to wall next to my dresser and began aggressively kissing me. I then managed to pull his jeans down from around his waist. With both arms he grabbed my thighs and slammed us to the bed. I then grabbed his triceps as he push himself into my already dripping body. He thrusted with complete passion and purpose. We were lost in each other for what seemed like an eternity. An before I could take back in my next breath, my body...I felt it. A surge of strength and energy just coursing through me. I looked at Jax in the eyes, his was completely green and mine a violet hue. "Do it", he whispered in a dominant demanding tone. I let my canines expose themselves and I leaned in and bit into his chest. I marked him with such incredible force that he jolted and released inside me the moment I sunk my teeth.

Lavender WolfWhere stories live. Discover now