Chapter 13: Happy Harbor Crashes

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(song - Si deus me relinquit, Black Butler soundtrack)

Chapter 13 - Happy Harbor Crashes


Lilia woke up twenty days before the date that the supposive war would brake loose between her vampire's and her kind. The way she went around talking, it sounded like that wouldn't be a good thing. For one thing, fighting with so many supernatural creatures in one place would mean possible exposure to humans.

"And we don't even know where they're planning on tackling each other." Lilia muttered to herself as she walked through the livingroom and plopped herself down on a chair.

I watched her a little, listen to her mumble as she thought of countless plans that wouldn't work. One of them was taking the fight right to the Volturi and ending it before they got locked in battle with her own kind. But that would only help this Severn guy she'd been talking about, because that was his exact goal. To end the Volturi was why he had gotten his force together. He wanted his so called throne back from the creatures who had stolen it from him.

This was what I observed as I looked on at her, but slowly I drifted into my own thoughts. I didn't hear what she was saying anymore, it was just noise in the background. 

What I remember of Lilia in the beginning was that she had a cruel sense of humor. She taunted and teased us as often as possible, without care of what we had just gone through. Not once had she stopped herself and apologized to us. Back then, I had thought she was outright mean.

Now I only knew that when she joked, she was simply stating the cold hard truth and not taking the soft path around things. She hadn't withheld from us that we were no longer human, but had tried to get us passed the thought and move on with our new lives. Lilia did her best to help us, even though she barely knew what she was doing herself.

I remembered when Karissa had been captured, she didn't give up for a moment. She didn't and still doesn't like her, and yet she went so far for the other woman. That struck me as particularly odd.

But what I wondered about the most was how she failed to tell us her past and how she became an Alp. It made me think 'what if that's the reason why she's so harsh now?'. Maybe she helped us because her experience hadn't been as nice, or possibly even worse than ours, when she was turned. All these thoughts bubbled inside my head, but none more than the next thing I thought of.

Like I said at first, I couldn't stand Lilia. However when she helped Karissa my feelings began to change. If she could help her without liking the woman one bit, then she couldn't be as bad as she was trying to appear. Slowly, I began to see her side of things and understand why she joked so cruely. Then as if she was warming up to us, she started to become nicer. 

When the other Alp woman had passed out was truely the turning point for us. Lilia had joked with me lightly and I had joked back, and somehow I had felt as if I'd stepped over a boundry of some sorts. She had allowed me to become closer to her, pass some invisible barrier I couldn't see.

And that had only made things worse for me. Not only had she become closer to me, almost like a friend, my feelings had grown for her. I realized that looking at her now, I didn't just plain and simple like the white haired girl. I had a crush on her, which made it even harder for me to be around her like this. 

I wished I didn't appear like an babbling idiot in love with her when I spoke to her. I paid special attention so I didn't stumble into things when she passed by. I prayed that I appeared casual and not blushing every time she smiled and said an especially funny joke. But most of all, I hoped Edward wasn't reading my thoughts. He had admitted his special ability to us during the time Lilia had been asleep. Upon realizing that, I'd became anxious whenever he came into the room when my mind had slipped into my feelings for her.

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