Chapter 27: 'Sup

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(song - The Collapse of History, Teen Wolf sountrack)

Chapter 27 - Sup'


I guess this is the part where I tell you how I wait forever in the airport, struggled through security, and worried about meeting the Volturi. That isn't how it happened. As soon as Carlisle and I got into our seats on the plane, I slept the entire time. When I woke up, I was in a sports car going hundreds of miles per hour, which surprisingly didn't upset me. I trusted the doctor. Now if I had woken up with Emmett in the driver's seat----then this would be a different story.

I looked out the window as I came to my senses and absent-mindedly wondered how Carlisle had gotten me out of the airport unconcious. My eyes honed in on the rolling hills outside the glass, which were various greens or wheat golds. We were still out in the country.

"Good, your awake." The doctor said, noticing me sitting up in my seat.

"How far are we from Volterra?" I asked.

"Several miles yet, but we're very close." He replied, focusing on the road ahead.

I sat back in the black leather seat and gazed forward. The car we were in was very expensive, I was sure. Just the sound of the motor told me this wasn't your adverage, every-day driver. It sped around the curves in the road with ease. I realized that Carlisle must have bought or rented it, which also made me think about how much money he must have on him to do so, and so on. This preoccupied my mind rather than the worry that I'd be struck down by lightining when I faced the Voturi.

Carlisle slowed on one of the curves, telling me that we we nearing the city. It came in view around the bend. My interpretation of it, was an old city made of stone that had faded over the coarse of time with old-fashioned clay shingles that had dulled as well. The city had different levels because it was built on the hill, with a large church in the center.

Our car slowed considerably because the roads were old brick. It made the ride very bumpy as we drove from level to level. Carlisle parked the sports car in a side street of a level right bellow the one we needed. The rest of the way, we walked. I kept getting the feeling I was being watched, which I probably was, but I didn't let it show.

It soon became obvious that we were, because people in black robes appeared walking through the street with the normal population. The humans had no idea that their city was infested by vampires and....Alps? Alp? Alptrist? Whatever the term for a female of my kind. We weren't disturbed by these beings the entire time, but it was obvious their job was to keep an eye on the two of us.

Carlisle stopped outside two large doors made out of dark wood that were guarded by two black robes. The guard dogs let us through after the doctor stated his name and why we were here. On the inside a woman, dressed in an all black business suit, was waiting for us. Her eyes were normal, which told me she was a human. I wondered what the Voturi had promised her for her service. If she asked to be young forever she might want to change her vocation, I remarked sarcastically to myself, they might give her an early death instead of immortailty.

The woman led us down several hallways to the correct set of double doors that mirrored the entrance we'd went throught. These were large and grand like the first, but instead of impressing me it made me think why the heck did they need to make doors that big. Unless they were expecting an orgre to march right in, why didn't they make it normal size? It would save them the time and money. Ironicly, I realized they had all of both. The doors swung open as I thought this, allowing me to see the people inside.

There was a small hall before entering a huge circular room with tall cielings like the rest of the building. Pillars supported the dome and windows allowed light in. Three thrones sat on the opposite side on top of raised section in the floor. In them, was three figures dressed in black. The middle one had jet black hair, the right one blonde, and the left one black. While the one on the left looked bored out of his mind, the one in the middle looked too happy.

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