Chapter 3: Ah, Whiskers

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(song - Rusty Body, Casshern Sins sountrack)

Chapter 3 - Ah, Whiskers


My prisioner hissed from underneath me, displeased with his treatment.

Now, I said calmly. What's the name of your so-called "master"?

I'm going to kill you when we're through with this. He snarled.

I didn't realize that's a name. Unless, you'd like to change your answer? I hinted, pressing on his lungs harder and adding a bit a claw to convince him.

His name is Severn. The black cat gave in.

And yours? I continued.

He glared at me before replying. Deus.

That wasn't so hard now, was it Deus? I teased him.

The cat grumbled in response.

Let's move on, shall we? What's Severn's goal in all of this? I asked.

He squirmed beneath me and I lost my hold on him. Before I could jump back, he whipped around and scratched me on my face. He disappeared into a bush soon after. His powers on me shrunk and soon I was myself again, on my hands and knees. One of my hands was clutching my face where he had clawed me.

I touched the marks gingerly, then brought my hand down so I could see. There was blood on it. When I went to feel the marks again, they were healed. So that's what happens when I'm injured, I thought to myself. I hadn't exactly enjoyed how I'd learned that.

I stood back up on my legs and brushed myself off. It hadn't been a fun experience, but at least I knew several things. One, that I could heal faster than normal. Two, I could turn into some kind of animal...I'd have to figure out what I was exactly later. And Three, that two men named Deus and Severn were behind the letters. But I still had no evidence that they were the cause of the murders.

Feeling tired from the events, I returned to my hotel room. I washed the dried blood off my face when I got back and changed into a pair of pajamas Esme had packed for me. I collapsed on the bed and decided to sleep my exhaustion off.

I woke up the next morning completely refreshed. After zipping up my bag, I went to the reception desk of the hotel and paid the fees I owed. The faster I was out of here the better. I had a feeling that Deus wasn't going to come back alone the next time and I wanted to be out of here and with the Cullens.


Back at the Cullen household, everyone was relieved to see that I'd come back in one piece. I mean, of course I did. I'm made of flesh and bone. Vampire bodies are like stone, which is why their skin glitters in the sun light. They're able to shatter in about a thousand pieces and glue themselves back together later. That's where the legend about using fire to kill vampires got started. It's the only way to make sure they stay dead.

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