Chapter 4: Repose

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(song - Just A Little Bit by Kids of 88')

Chapter 4 - Repose

"Awwww, whyyyyy???" Emmett whinned when I'd announced that I was leaving again.

"I need to find out whose behind the murders. It could be Deus and Severn, but for all we know it could also be a coven of newborn vampires." I explained.

Carlisle nodded in agreement."How long do you think you'll be gone?" he asked.

I frowned."I don't know."

There was a silence.

"I understand." the doctor spoke up."It was nice having you here Lilia. Please remember that you are always welcome in the Cullen household."

"Carlisle....!" Alice began to protest.

"I....." I began at the same time, but couldn't find a way to continue.

"This isn't just about you finding the murderers, Lilia." He inturrupted both of us."Your desperate to know if there are others like yourself out there. Rouges who know nothing and are struggling with the same problems you are. I think you need to leave us in order to fulfill that need."

"Thank you, Carlisle." I said. Somehow he was able to convey what I'd been trying to get across---and I thought Edwardo was the mind-reader.

"You can't leave!" A familiar voice came into the room. The door had just opened and shut behind him as he ran into the livingroom.

I blinked."Seth!" I cried out, more out of surprise than joy. I hadn't thought he was going to show up today. It had been apart of my plan, so I could slip away quietly without my emotions getting tied into my decision.

"You can't." He repeated much softer.

"I want to." I argued.

"No you don't, you just think you do. You think you have to solve those murders and...." He stopped there, not knowing what else to say.

"I need to." I insisted.

"No......." He whinned.

"You can't stop me, Seth. I'm going and that's it." I said a little too loudly.

He looked hurt, but I was too angry with him to care at the time. I left the room, going up the stairs to the bedrooms so that I could pack the stuff that I could take with me. I tuned out the noise of the downstairs as I stuffed clothing into my bag. When I had shoved as much clothes as I could into it, I zipped the duffle bag up. I went down the stairs to the first floor, not even pausing in the livingroom, and heading straight towards the front door.

Carlisle was waiting for me there with a card in his hand, which turned out to be a travel card that would last me for forever. I gave one last glance at Seth who stood frozen in the livingroom before going out the door and closing it behind me loudly.

My motorcycle was already parked in the drive, which was perfect because I hadn't felt like messing around in the garage. I hopped on it and hit the throttle.


(play linked song)

Standing in line with my buddies, we were all hyped to get into the club. The guards at the front door were letting everyone in, including those who were under-aged. The line moved quickly and soon my three friends and I were inside.

....It up baby I'm taking you home Get off your throne I want you alone

Take just a little bit of time Just to make you feel alright Just enough to ease the party Hit the lights.

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