Chapter 2: Aunt Phelicia and Uncle Tom

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(song - Eyes on Fire, Twilight soundtrack)

Chapter 2: Aunt Phelicia and Uncle Tom




"Are you sure you've got everything honey?" my mother called out to me as I wheeled the last of my suitcases up to a car parked on the curb.

My father had agreed to drive me up to the airport so that he wouldn't have to go and pick my car up later. I couldn't bring my whole bedroom with me, but I had brought several suitcases of clothing along with a couple of personal stuff. My mother stood at the door of the building where our apartment was located on the eleventh floor. Her and my father had helped me carry my stuff downstairs to the vehicle.

When I would arrive in Forks, my uncle and aunt would help me get everything packed into their car. I hoped they arrived in time to help me get everything off the belt so I wouldn't have to stand around waiting for them with tons of baggage.

"I've got everything, Mom." I called back to her as I forced the last bag into the back seat.

"You have a good time at your Aunt's." She said with a smile.

I nodded and returned a smile to her as I climbed in the passenger seat of the car. As I closed the door she called out again, causing me to slightly pause. I shut the door completely and pressed the down button on the window control.

"Bye honey!" She waved from the door, fumbling with her arms from her right elbow enclosed in her left hand, to the opposite.

"Bye Mom!" I yelled back as dad drove away. I didn't like to be called honey, but I delt with it. This was the last time I would be seeing my mother.

A few blocks away, I put the window back up. The rain had started back up and I didn't want my things in the back seat to be getting wet. My father attempted some small talk with me on the ride to the airport. The trafic was terrible. There were a lot of yellow cabs in the lines waiting for their turn to go at the light. I could've taken a cab if I wanted to, but then I wouldn't be able to carry all my luggage by myself.

A few hours later we arrived at the airport with little time to spare. This was my first time flying on an airplane and I wasn't sure that I liked the idea of being high up in the air. My stomach started doing nervous flips as I passed through security. I finally showed my ticket to the woman before getting on the plane.

There wasn't very much room in the seats provided. I guess it was a good thing that I was thin after all. Many of the other people who were boarding the plan did a double take when they passed me. I was wearing my white hair down for the trip. I was glad when the people who would be beside me for the entire trip didn't ask about my hair. After what felt like an hour's wait, the flight attendant told us to buckle our seatbelts for take off.

When we were high enough in the air, we got the all clear for moving around the cabin. We were allowed to take off our seat belts and relax for the rest of the trip. During my time in the air, I thought about many things. I wondered what my parents would do with my car. I wouldn't be coming back to use it, not that I used it much anyways. In New York, you traveled by public transportation if you wanted to get anywhere. I only used it in special occasions.

I only glanced out of the window occasionally. I'd never had a fear of heights before living on the eleventh floor of the apartment building, but this was just so much higher up than that. We were above the clouds! I almost expected to see superman fly by the cabin of the plane.

As long as the trip lasted, I arrived in California five hours later. Although, due to the time zones, I'd arrived two hours later in Los Angeles. Thankfully, my Aunt and Uncle were already at the airport waiting for me. They helped me collect my bags and take them out to the car. I was forced into riding in the middle of the back seat with suitcases on either side of me. The first part of the trip to their home I remained silent. Only when Aunt Phelicia spoke up did I speak.

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