Chapter 9: The Calm Before the Storm

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(song - Moonlight Sonata Movement 1 by Beethoven)

Chapter 9 - The Calm Before the Storm


After refilling myself, I had returned to the hotel room where the other two waited. Tiernam had closed his eyes, which had eventually led to sleep. He was out cold and for the first time I could see what my "coma" looked like for others.

Back at the Cullen household, Alice had told me it was just like how humans sleeped, except I didn't stir. Although being out for several days would had frightened anyone else. I figured that days were just like minutes or seconds to vampires. I knew when, after four years, I didn't notice myself aging one bit and it had caught me by surprise. The years had felt like they'd gone by fast instead of taking forever like they usually did.

Watching Tiernam now, he looked peaceful. Body stretched out, arms hanging loosely from the chair's arm rests, and head back with lips slightly parted, he looked completely normal. I did notice one thing different about him. His lips were moving, muttering something softly, to himself as he laid asleep.

"He's been mumbling like that for some time." Karissa told me after she noticed I'd returned.

She was still awake, curled up in her chair by the window. Her head swung back towards the glass, her eyes gazing out upon the world of busy humans going down the streets in their cars.

"You should get some sleep too." I pointed out, moving over to the bed and plopping myself down upon it.

"I don't see why I should. I don't need to rest anymore." She replied softly, still looking out the window.

My head hit the mattress of the bed."Yes, you do. Sooner or later you're going to crash and the more days you stay up, the longer you stay out." I said, thinking about the time when I had became an Alp, before the Cullens had taken me in. I'd blacked out in the forest, but luckily I'd found a good place to hide before hand so I was already hidden when my mind had gone blank.

Karissa didn't reply with her head still facing the window. I couldn't tell if she had followed my advice or not, but I wouldn't bother her. She'd been through enough already. From there, I turned my thoughts to our current situation. The enemy knew where we were staying, which wasn't good. We were in a human facility though, but that wouldn't keep us safe forever. I had to find us a place that would be more difficult for the other people of my race to find. Especially for Deus who I knew was probably planning some special revenge for me.

Imediately, I reached over to the phone on the side of the bed and dialed. I waited for the tone to ring, but it never did. Good old Alice.

"Hello?" I spoke first. She always let me.

"Lilia! I thought you'd never call!" The sugar fairy chirped from the other end. "How are you? Is something wrong? Did you find anything out?" She asked too fast for me to get an answer in.

"Well...." I hummed, my eyes looking over to Tiernam and Karissa. "I'm sort-of in a pinch. I wish I could explain everything to you, but so much has happened I don't think I can speak over the line. In short, I need someplace that's safer to stay in. The hotel I'm staying at is being watched, and since I know hardly anything about this city, I'm sure the other hotels aren't safe either if the enemy has taken this place as a base." I confessed to her.

"Okay, I'll ask Carlisle and Esme to see if they can think of one of their old homes near your area." Pixie hair replied happily.

"Oh, and Alice?" I said quickly before she could hang up.

"Yes?" She answered right away.

"It needs to have three bedrooms." I told her.

I heard a pause. "Three?" She chirped uncertainly.

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