Chapter 24: Now, Tell Me More About Myself

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(song - Hikaru Wadachi, Spice & Wolf sountrack)

Chapter 24 - Now, Tell Me More About Myself




Back at the Cullen's house, Rosalie and Esme was also surprised to see that I was..alive? Undead? I didn't know what to call it anymore. They greeted me after their initial shock wore off. Renesmee hid from me from behind Bella's legs unsure.

I was given a room and at the same time, managed to astound Carlisle again.

"What? No bed?" I asked when he had shown me to where I would stay.

"Our kind doesn't sleep." Carlisle replied.

"Well, I'm definately not a vampire then because I do." I said.

"You need sleep?" He said, confused and curious at the same time.

"I can stay awake for as long as I want, but yes, eventually I have to close my eyes and rest." I explained."I'm actually getting tired now, which was why I went to Billy's first. I didn't want to fall asleep and have those Volturi guys snatch me while I was unconcious."

"I see.....this sleep, how long does it usually last?" He asked.

"It depends. I think the longer I stay awake the longer I sleep. I stayed up for an entire week and ended up unconcious a full three days without waking up once." I shrugged.

"You don't wake up a single time while your resting?" Carlisle questioned again.

"I doubt a train wreck could wake me." I replied, then surprised myself by yawning.

"Your getting tired." he noted."You can sleep on the couch until we figure things out."

"Thanks." I replied.

I moved out of the room and headed down stairs where I literally just passed out.



"What I miss?" I said when I woke up.

"Two days." Emmett grinned."I thought you'd never wake up."

"Two days, two minutes, it feels the same to me." I shrugged as I sat up on the couch.

The whole of the Cullen family was moving around the place like it was an adverage household. Emmett must have rearranged the furnature when he couldn't use the couch to sit and play video games. I stood up and walked over to the kitchen where Esme was fixing Renesmee some breakfast.

"Do you mind making something for me too? I'm starving." I asked her.

"You can eat normal food?" She asked, slighlty surprised.

"Yeah, but it only satisfies half of me." I said."That means my stomach." I replied when I saw the confusion on her face.

"I see. Well, it just means I have two people to enjoy my cooking now." She said brightly and turned back to the stove top.

I sat down beside Renesmee who was sitting at the table, waiting for her breakfast. She didn't seem to talkative and sat quietly. In boredom, I put my left elbow on the table and rested my head on it, closing my eyes and breathing out a sigh. I didn't even notice when she brought her hand up and touched my forehead. A flash of images went through my mind.

They were of things that I didn't remember, but oddly I was in them. I was laying on the couch, not stirring for the entire time. It showed Emmet reworking the furniture according to Alice's orders, Edward and Bella at the piano, and Jasper not looking like he was having a major headache. I didn't even know the dude could look relaxed and calm instead of looking like he was constantly in pain. These must have been the past two days.

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