Chapter 20: From Ancestors to Descendants

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(song - SuperBlack, Darker Than Black soundtrack)

Chapter 20 - From Ancestors to Decendants


Severn shifted to his animal form, slowly slinking towards me. The up turned corners of his wolf mouth looked like a satisfied chuckle. He had me cornered and he knew it. A deep gutteral snarl eminated from the recesses of his throat. He was preparing to lunge.

A split second plan popped into my head in that had a fifty fifty chance of working, but I didn't have time to test it out, so I put it into action. The wolf Severn leaped at me at the same time, but instead of landing on top of me and tearing my throat out, his head smashed into the telekinetic shield hard enough that he let out a yelp. His body slipped to the ground, momentarily disorrientated as he pulled himself back together. 

I went to stand up, but my left hip was in terrible pain. This shouldn't have been a big deal. My extrodinary healing should have healed the wound and I would have been good to go. Except it wasn't working. Something had numbed my ablities.

The wolf got to his paws and spun around to face me once again, snapping as he lept. This time, as he hit the barrier that I had created, he dissolved into black smoke. The smoke spread until it covered the entire viel, searching for any cracks or crevices in which it could enter through. Tendrils of black fought for a way in, but their struggle ended up fruitless. However, the field couldn't keep sound from coming through.

"Do you think you can win against me?" A smokey voice poured into my ears, the words echoing so that they overlapped his next sentance. "Your pathetic! The worst Alp there is out there. Your mother abandoned you to a solitude among humans. Do you really think they would all obey you with a flip of a switch? Think again! I'm their leader, not you. They'd all die for me in a human's hearbeat!"

"If your going to kill me, do it already." I muttered from the exhaustion. It felt as if I was being drained of all my enegry as long as the smoke fought against the shield. "You sound like bunch of bickering housewives caught up in petty gossip."

The smoke fizzled on the outside of the telekinetic viel, furious at my words, then drew back as if it had been sucked up in a vacume cleaner. It gathered on the floor first, then traveled upward, reassembling itself into Severn's human form. He was clearly ticked. In swift motions, his feet glided over the marble of the floor towards me. Somehow, his human hand was able to penetrate through the shield. Maybe he had weakened me after all. Not through special powers, but through his words. I didn't have long to think about that because his fingers closed around my neck for the second time this evening.

But he only tossed me aside. My back hit the middle of a pillar and I slid to the floor, landing on my side. The hip that was injured ached like I couldn't believe, but I couldn't file complaints now. I had a crazy pschco man who was greedy with power after me to think about. Just then, he decided to turn up in front of me again, this time grabbing my arm to lift me off the ground. He took ahold of the other so he could press me against the damaged pillar, holding me there with my feet dangling above the ground.

"You think you can come and take everything from me?!" He asked in a rage, ready to spill his feelings out onto me until I inturrupted.

"Pretty much." I grunted.

He drew me from the pillar, only to slam me back into it again. It wasn't enough to crack the marble, but it knocked the breath out of me. 

"I've had enough of your smart comments." He snarled.

"I've had enough of your whinning." I coughed back.

In a fit of rage, he threw me over to the stairs where I stayed. I couldn't move with my injury even if I wanted.

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