Twilight 月 Red Moon

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 Death's Embrace

Walking one summer's eve,

 Lost and wondering I lost my key,

 A sound heard right, what could it be?

 Some animal approaching me.

I ask, dear friend might you've seen my possession?

 However, my visitor did not answer my question.

 Its paws continued padding, padding towards me,

 And what to my demise did I see?

A black cat, as dark as night,

 Telling me my fate of terrible fright.

 Yellow fury staring passed to the beyond,

 I knew in an instant I needed to be gone.

But before I could leave this evil place,

 The black cat walked at a faster pace.

 Cross my path, it did that moonlit-night,

 Now I stay at home in my covers wrapped tight.

 Awaiting for the day the black cat may come,

 To whisk me away, like a long lost chum.

----by none other than me (Lucykins26)

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