Chapter 8: Excuse me, Officer

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(song - Signal "LIVE", Eureka Seven Ao sountrack)

Chapter 8 - Excuse Me, Officer


The man started walking off with Karissa, who looked like she was getting stuck with pins and needles as she tried to refuse. The "blood tie" was too strong for her though, so eventually she complied and walked behind him like a obedient slave.

Tiernam looked at me, wondering if I was going to go after her.

Hell yes.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him.

The man swung around to see what else I had to say. In that time I closed the distance between us and went to throw a punch at him. He caught me by the wrist of course, which I had slowed down just so that he would do so.

I grinned at him before putting on the best acting I'd ever done."Someone!" I cried, getting the slightest interest of the people in the hotel lobby."Help me! He's trying to kidnapp me! Help!" I wailed.

Eventually, this even pulled the attention of the hotel staff. The woman from the reception desk left her post and got the officer from the front of the building. With all the guests either checking in or out, and the staff, the man couldn't do anything back without breaking the number one rule: Don't reveal yourself. It had to be true for my kind just like the vampires or we wouldn't have survived. 

The officer shuffled on his feet and looked at the man."Is there something wrong here sir?"

For the briefest of seconds, I saw his eyes flash at me angerly and back towards the cop. Of course, the police officer never saw this. His human eyes were too slow to catch the movement. 

"No." The man said, releasing my arm. He began to try and walk away, but he still had Karissa.

"He's got my cousin." I said to the cop in my best frightened but worried tone.

The law enforcer took one look at the girl's face and saw that she didn't look like she liked going with the other man.

"I'm going to have to ask you to come with me sir." The cop said, catching the guy's arm before he could run off.

Since the man had to play nice with the human, he couldn't say no.

"And I'd like to take you three back to the station as......" The policeman began, but his voice gradually grew softer.

The other man looked at me and knew I was using compulsion on the officer. For some reason, he couldn't use it so he was stuck doing whatever the human wanted to do with him. 

The cop was rigid for a minute, then picked up a cheery voice."Have a nice day miss." He told the three of us."And your coming with me." He added to the so called crook he had captured.

Twilight 月 Incandescent MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora