There was a silence again and I don't know how long it was until I heard conversation again. It was my father and Lincoln talking with a doctor about how I was doing. I couldn't hear any details but based on their tone of voice I knew it wasn't good. After another long silence I heard Octavia and Lincoln. They must have come to talk to me because they told me all about Trikru and how things are with the company and the move of the headquarters to the U.S. That's when I knew it's been longer than I can tell.

Clarke's voice was the one I heard most frequently. It felt like there were usually big gaps between each visit when it came to friends and family but I felt like Clarke was with me the most out of everyone. Even when she didn't talk to me I could feel her presence. I knew when she was near.

Right now I can hear Clarke speaking to me. She sounds defeated and exhausted and I just want to warp her up in a tight hug and never let go. Finally I was able to hear her clearly after what felt like forever.

"I miss you a lot Lexa. I've been healing really well since the operation. My mom and Raven have been forcing me to go home every few days but I come back as much as I can. Today I was listening to this song called 'Hold On' and it made me cry so hard. Reminds me of us and our situation right now. Today Octavia took me to the dog shelter. I'm thinking of getting a dog. You know I always imagined us married with a dog and kids one day. Now it just feels like...well I don't need any of that anymore. All I need is for you to come back to me."

As I listened to Clarke tell me all about her day and how her life was going I couldn't help but wonder how much time had passed since the operation.

"Anyways there was this one dog." Clarke continued. "I think her name was Heda. She's like 4 and no one has adopted her yet because she's not a puppy anymore but she's really sweet. Maybe we can take her to the beach when you wake up."

Clarke paused and I started to hear crying. I felt Clarke kiss me and there was a silence again. From then on more people came to visit me but the most interesting in that time was actually from Raven. She sounded like she came alone just to talk to me but I was not at all prepared for what she would tell me at all.

"Hi Lexa, it's Raven. I'm not sure if you can hear me but Clarke says she knows you can so I trust her. Um...I know you two have been talking a lot...or I guess Clarke's been doing all of the talking. Anyways if you really can hear me there is something you should know. Clarke's not doing very good Lexa. She's getting super depressed and I don't know what to do anymore. We are all trying to be there for her as much as possible but I really wish you would wake up soon Lexa. You are the one person she truly needs right now. I guess you don't have too much control of when you wake up. If you do though, if there's anything you can do, please try harder Lexa. I can't see Clarke suffering like she is any longer."

There was another long silence and then Clarke was at my side again. She didn't talk at all but I could feel her presence again. Soon after Clarke came to see me I heard arguing. It got louder and louder and eventually I could hear them yelling. Eventually I heard Clarke's voice yelling for them to stop and be quiet and that was followed by the sound of her crying. I don't know what the fight was about but I don't care too much as long as Clarke is ok. I just need to wake up soon. I need to be with my love.

After another silence I was surprised to hear Abby Griffin's voice. "Hi Lexa, I'm Abby, Clarke's mom, we met a while ago on the day of the operation."

A while ago? I couldn't help but wonder how much time has passed now.

"Anyways Clarke says you can hear everyone who comes to speak with you and I just wanted to come and talk to you. For starters let me just tell you that Clarke is doing ok now. I don't want you to be worried about her because there's nothing you can do in your current state anyways. Things were super bad a few weeks ago but she's doing better now. She got a dog, Heda, she's super cute I think you'll love her. Everyone misses you a lot. I don't know if you can hear everyone or how it works with the whole in a coma thing but you should know there are multiple people here every single day to visit you. Bellamy, Murphy, Finn, Wells and Niylah come by a lot to see you and tell you about the beach and their lifeguard stories. Raven comes by to talk about Clarke and tell you how she's doing. Your father comes to tell you how your cousins in Australia are and tell you old stories from when you were a child. Lincoln and Octavia stop by to watch tv with you and catch you up on events in everyone's life." Abby paused in took a deep breath. "Then there's Clarke. She's here the most. I can't remember one day where she hasn't come here. I've never seen Clarke love anyone the way she loves you Lexa. I know you are fighting hard for my daughter and for yourself and I just want you to know that we aren't giving up on you. Clarke should be here soon to see you again today but I just wanted to stop by. Thank you for everything you've done for Clarke. You saved her life Lexa."

If I wasn't in a coma I'd be crying my eyes out right now. There was another silence and I heard what sounded like a door opening. It was strange how clear the sound was. Like I could hear much better then I usually can.

"Hey Lex."

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