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It's finally Monday again and I can't wait for work. Wow never thought I'd be so excited for work. I honestly just can't wait to see Clarke and the rest of my co-workers. I've actually become kind of close with Wells recently. He's a super cool guy and as soon as I told him I wasn't interested in him romantically he immediately stopped hitting on me which I really appreciated. You'd be surprised how many guys think that you saying no actually means you saying yes.

Me and Wells been hanging out a lot and talking about sports which Wells says he can't do with Finn, Raven or Clarke because they are never interested.

When I got to the lifeguard center I saw that everyone seemed to be there but Clarke. I was about to ask about her or at least text her to make sure she was ok but Niylah started talking. "Ok guys as you all know Clarke isn't here because she's sick or whatever honestly I don't really give a shit. Today Raven, Lincoln and Wells will all be together and Lexa and Finn will be together. Make sure no one dies I'm really not in the mood."

We all nodded our heads and stood up to go do as Niylah ordered, and I followed Finn to one of the posts. We both sat down and I couldn't help but notice Finn seemed to be in a much better mood then usual.

"Do you think Clarke is ok?" I asked Finn, and he looked up at me smiling. "I mean I would have just texted her and asked but I never got a chance."

"I'm pretty sure Clarke is more then ok." Finn smiled, and I could have sworn I saw him puff out his chest a little kind of reminding me of a tropical bird of some sort. I almost started laughing at the thought but quickly stopped myself when I became rather curious why Finn was so sure of himself.

"Did you see her recently?" I asked, still concerned over the Blonde's well being.

"You could say that." Finn shrugged, giving me a playful smirk.

Then It hit me. They definitely had sex yesterday. I was still curious about Clarke though so I continued the conversation. "Did she seem healthy? Niylah said she was sick."

"Don't worry about her Lexa, she was very healthy when I saw her, in fact, can I be totally honest with you?" Finn asked, and I felt like whatever he was going to say would be stupid but I was also incredibly curious.

"Sure Finn, you can be totally honest with me."

"We were having sex." Finn said proudly, and a massive smile spread a across his face. I don't know why but I felt a small pang of jealously, but before I had time to think about why I felt like that Finn continued talking. "It wasn't just normal sex though Lexa."

"What do you mean?" I asked, still very curious about where this was going.

"Lexa it was the best sex we've ever had. Ever. Like ever ever ever."

Hmmm. I'm definitely curious now. "If you don't mind me asking, what made it so great?"

"I want to tell you Lexa I really do but Clarke said I can't."

Oh shit. Now I'm hooked. What would Clarke and Finn do that Clarke didn't want me to know about? I was beyond curious yes, but I wouldn't push because clearly Clarke doesn't want me knowing. Unlucky for Clarke though, Finn was so desperate to brag to someone that I didn't even have to push and he told me anyways.

"Fine Lexa, I'll tell you, just don't tell anyone ok?"

"Ok." I agreed, giving him a reassuring smile.

"It started off a little slow, Clarke seemed distracted, like she wasn't really there. I was actually surprised because this was one of the longest time periods I've seen Clarke go without asking for some action. I guess she's been busy recently, I'm not sure. Anyways I saw her eventually close her eyes and start imagining things so I went with it. I got all dominant and stuff and I got on top and showed her my power if you know what I mean. Then the nickname started." Finn explained proudly.

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