Challenging King Aiden!!

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Hey guys!!!!!

At last!! This book is complete!! I am very thankful to you guys for going through this journey.

Are you guys ready for another journey? Anyways, love you guys!! Check out Aiden's story!! Please Vote and Comment!!

By chocolateballoon


"Why? Why me?" I said. Why is it my fate that has to be upside down?

"You should be happy. Every woman will die to be in your place." The jerk in front of me said, smirking.

"Well, I am not every woman." I snapped. I should have never looked at him.

"I will make sure that regret bringing me here." I snapped coldly. He looked unfazed.

"Are you challenging me?" His voice was masculine. Manly.

"Priscilla." He chuckled as he looked at me. I tried to free my hand. The rope was tied very hard.

"You were the only women who caught my eyes, baby girl." He said as he placed his hand on my cheek.

"My bad luck." I muttered under my breath.

"I warned your mother." He continued.

"I told her to hide you. I informed her that if I see you again I won't hold back." He whispered. I felt my stomach do somersaults.

"Why am I here?" I asked. My voice bold.

"You will come to know soon." He replied. He was way too close.

"Aiden." I whispered. He was staring right into my eyes.

"I am sorry." He apologised. I looked at him confused.

Suddenly, I felt something sharp cut through my stomach as the pain hit my body. I felt the blood running down.

He stabbed me...

He FREAKING stabbed me!!


My grandma used to tell me that I should never look into someone's eyes not knowing them. She told me about this king who ruled hell.

He was a king who had no Queen. He never wanted a Queen. It was said that he will meet his Queen one day. That Angel will be the one who will tempt him to look into her eyes. It can be anyone. From that day feared one never dared to look at him.

Once the Queen meets eyes with the King her life will turn upside down...

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