Chapter- 19 Killed?

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Iris POV


His face was swollen. Bandage wound all over his face.

"Bingo." He said. I rushed to his side as I looked at the wounds. It was bloody.

"Shit!! Are you okay?" I asked as I made him sit on my bed. He winced as he took his place.

"I am alive." He said. I felt bad for him. It wasn't his fault after all.

"I am so sorry." I apologised. At least he is alive to hear my apologies.

"It is not your fault, Iris." He said.

"Did you visit a doctor?" I asked concerned. He shook his head.

"Wait, I will call Allison to take you to the hospital." I got up quickly but stopped by Axton holding my arm.

"No, don't tell anyone about me coming here." He pleaded.

"What happened?" I asked confused. Did something more happen?

"I am not supposed to even step inside this place." He whispered.

"Why?" I asked as I sat beside him.

"When Zavian left me alive he warned me not to meet you ever again." He winced in between.

"He will bury me alive if he knew what I am doing now." He said.

"Why are you here then?" I asked curiously.

"I wanted to tell you something." He said seriously.

"See, I liked you since ever you have been born but I am not telling this because of this." He said. He liked me. That's weird.

"Zavian is a monster. Listen carefully, you should never trust him. He didn't only kill that guy from the party. He killed many more people than you know." He continued. His eyes boring into me.

"He killed every single person that tried to date you." He said. I felt my heart fall.

He killed more. Everyone who tried to date me. My eyes hardened. He is a monster.

"Iris, I beg you. Please, run away from this guy." He pleaded.

"How did you even get here?" I asked.

"There." He said pointing me at my window. That must be difficult to climb up here.

"I have to go now." He said as he got up. I followed him to the window. He turned to me.

"Stay away from him." He whispered. He leaned in. It felt bad. I didn't want him.

My brain worked too fast. My hands shot out and pushed him away. He looked shocked but recovered soon.

"Axton, I can't do this." I said looking away.

"You don't have a feeling for me?" He asked looking hurt.

"No. I like you as a friend." I said. I felt bad to this to him. He nodded understanding.

"Friendzoned." He murmured to himself. He climbed down. He waved at me and walked away.

Well, that was kinda awkward......

I turned back and jumped on my bed. I laid down. Did he kill them all?

I took out my phone and called Lauren. Long time. She must be angry.

She picked up quickly. It was the first time she picked in the first ring.

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